Monday, June 7, 2021

Public Party Call Log 06-07-2021

bandon chain saw found 5412943247 Precision Scale in New Condition, absolutely nothing wrong it. $25 541-297-6482 Shawna 5412948823 gas bgenerator electric start 525$ and a set of tires 17 inch on wheels Ford bed extender, 5413964104 kermit has a honda water pump 700$ 5414048100 calle lillies and aoniums, wooden dowels, little chief smoker, iso scrap collector, 5418883648 iso little pickup, and trailer for friend and cans and bottles 2604007 people iso rental Bill NB needs 1 or 2 bdrm, have a young dog, 900$ or less on SSn 5414354846 iso doberman stud NB 5417565942 free glass jars, real estate books, tee post clips, Stainless kitchen sinks, table lamp base, 10$ and glass fishbowl, accordion, 5415720729 fifth wheel trailer needs to be hauled 2901140 67 firebird 326 4 bbl nice nice 30K$ 5412677376 moving this weekend, free stuff on road, 63782 Flnigan rd bunker hill 5412976482 Professionally framed, signed and numbered art print by Donny Finley. 541-297-0781

Friday, June 4, 2021

Public Party call Log 6-4-2021

yard sale on Powers hwy 8 to 5 mile 10 5412901454 farm fresh duck and chicken eggs n bay rd 5417563754 3doz 7$ iso jobs for my tiller fairview area, 5412529082 bandon have a twin mattress and box spring 50$ and piano and small microwave 25$ 3 HP ink cartriges Kodak 75$ 5412177074

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Public Party Call Log 6-3-2021

iso rent a camp trailer, 2945956 Jim selling real nice table and chairs 5 40$ 1220 harris MP apt 3 5412948970 washer and dryer ge top load 1000$ chad bandon 8087874 large mens walker for sale 80$ 5418880846 dof by mill casino 5412949314 pitbull ROB yard sale saturday 8 to 5 Powers Hwy 9.5 to 10 mile marker tools, 5412901454 67 firebird , 68 69 fenders 412677376 pilates machine 100$ 2 canvas lawnchairs w bags, 20$ and 10$ iso person to do upholster 7562116 iso invincible teardrop trailer and a 50s to 70s shrtbed 2wd 8082311 bandon items b twin box and matt piano microwave, 3 boxes of ld kodak bulk ink cartridges, 5412177074

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Public Party Call Log 6-2-2021

mculloch electric chain saw, circular saw, music system, 5413962599 swingline stapler, papercutter 15$ avon bottles, table lamp, canning jars, 5415720729 2019 harley heritage great shape, extra seat, 21k$ 2085537998 James for computer 5417562468 coffee table end tables , plant stand, cem plots, 5412174144 iso little pickup and a trailer and PU bottles and cans 2604007 little chief smoker 30$ cooker pots w lids 7 and 6 gal, aoniums and calle lillies, 5418883648

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Public Party Call Log 06-01-2021

mini home and a place to put it 2692325 aoniums and calle lillies, lead sinkers, 2 crab cooker pots, 7 gal and 6 for 15$ 5418883648 67 firebird NICE NICE NICE 30$ 2677376 Call 541-404-3265 (Danny) for more information. Harley Heritage 114 engine 21k$ coos bay 2085537998 iso enclosed trailer 14 to 16 ft long 2676570 have mens walker for big man 80$ or offer call debbie 8880846 chicago electric generator 525$ 3964104 and have a 3 point scraper 225$

Friday, May 28, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-28-21

94 dodge dakota $500 541-787-1102 2 flat screen tv's $10-15, microwave, need help putting slide out in and 5 wheel to pull 40' 541-297-0122 until 2 then after 6. 13hp gas generator 5500, electric start, 6 1/2 galloon fuel $525 541-396-4104 67 firebird 326 original 4 barrel with cam $30000 541-267-7376 canon ball sinker 2-16oz, bank sinkers, dalia tubers 541-888-3648 looking for small economical car 541-396-1633 heavy duty man size walker with seat $50obo 541-888-0846 magazine, hunting fishing type, various types saturday veterans Myrtle Point buddy poppies for sale 541-294-7889 1.6 mini refrigerator black $45obo, looking for screen door 1976 toyota rv 541-294-1705 twin bed $50, small spinet piano 541-217-7074 china hutch w light $125 541-260-3300

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-27-2021

digital docking music system 20$ 3962599 aoniums and calle lillies and dahlia tuber five for 5 and get 5 free, connonball sinkers and bank sinkers lori iso small car standard or auto 5413961633 5418883648 2 flat screen tvs 40 inch and a microwave 5412970122 large mans walker in good cond 50$ ask for donna 2901700 1x6x6 cedar 7515483 4$ bandon 13 hp gas generator rope pull electric start 55kw 65kwmax 525$ 5413964104 jeep stuff gun rack for behind console, 50$ , come along 30$ , water bottle holders, gps holder and jeep pocket knife, 2 cell phones LGs 25$ each 5412690952

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-26-2021

screen door 5412941705 iso tiny pickup ans small trailer, 5412604007 makin hay 350$ a bale ands 3 ft weel tiles for culvert, 5720316 dahlia tubers 5 for 5$ and 5 free, sinkers fr fishing 5418883648 glass fishbowl and a table lamp, 12 bags tee post clips, real estate books, quart jars, free, 5415720729 tilling for hire. 5412529082 iso medical transport up to eugene or portland, reasonable fee 5723622 microwave 10$ and 40 inch tv 25$ 5412970122

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-25-2021

woody is missing his duck Black and White from walmart area, partm out a small rv 5418082311 7.5 ft 3 cushion couch 150$ tan velo0ur coq and MP 5412603953 iso 6 cu ft wheelbarrow, 5412975613 coffee and end table 150$ plant sdtand , cewm plots, 5412174144 driver for cab company 25 yrs old 5417074464 67 nfirebird 326 w cam and 4bbl new upholsterry , 30k$ and and apollo boat 5k$ 5412677376

Monday, May 24, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-24-21

40" flat screen TV $25 with remote, payphone/ radio bank $25 541-297-0122 target tile cutter with 10" blade $400 541-290-9940 2021 honda ct 125 motorcycle 330miles $7500OBO 541-297-1464 poolon pro chainsaw $100 541-294-2347 LOST: looking for black irish duck (black & white, size of small turkey) $50 reward by walmart, Looking for Tear drop trailer 541-808-2311 1993 F150 XLT regular cab $1400 302 fuel injected 541-294-4721 Bandon 17' inboard out board, 77, 130hp, full top, trailer $5000 OBO, 1967 firebird, auto, tires wheel $30,0000 541-267-7376 needs pature land 541-252-2602 new walker $80 541-297-2144 found:black muskove duck chick & duck eggs for sale Barry 541-260-3313 rototiller services $65, dodge front bumper, 2000 ford van bumper 541-252-9082

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-19-2021

NEED BOULDERS DELIVERED FAIRVIEW 5414154924 67 FIREBIRD ALL ORIGINAL NEW INTERIOR NO RUST 30k$ apollo boat 5k$ 5412677376 aoneums and calle lillies also have dahlia tubers, 5418883648 iso little pickup, need a trailer for a friend, cans needed 2604007 4 crab rings 20$ engine stand 20$ 6157138332 AT backcountry tire 275 70 r 18, metal boat anchor, windows , 90 1x6x6 4$ veach 5417515483

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-18-2021

iso storage shed 3477185 corner ent center 6ft high 50$ video cab 10$ 6.5 horiz shaft motor, wooden playset 3966402 aoniums and calle lillies and dahlia tubers 1$ each and need a small economical car, decent shape, 5413961633 5418883648 67 firebird numbers matching 30k$ and also apollo boat, 5k$ 5412677376 vaccuum needed 5380120 mazda rx7 82 5412908080 iso screen for small toyoyta motorhome frame 5412941705 barnyard pigeons 7142702735 cabbies wanted 541707 storage sale tomorrow space 59 have a small fridge. battery lawnmower, microwave, liquor cab, 5412970122 flat screen tv 25$ a cofee and end table , plant stand, cem plots 5412174144 flower vases collected, picknic table set w umbrella, 5412978246 2978202 1 bdrm apt needed karen in bridge needs help w a leaky roof, 5415723622

Monday, May 17, 2021

Public Market Call Log 5-17-2021

calle lilly and aoniums, buckets food grade w and without lids, shepherds hooks 5 ft 5418883648 construction area by taco bell still underway be careful iso weedeater repairman 5413963827 iso used fridge 5412976707 3964127 iso carpenter or handyman camas valley for foundation work, 5416710562 time bomb memorial for dvd player and matching luggage 3966379 8ft post 4x4 5417515483

Friday, May 14, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-14-2021

dragon at mill casino make greenhouse for me and have a my pillow pillow, 2174226 5720729 67 firbird original motor and trans $30k and apollo boat 2677376 suoy sheep and one ram, 12x12 beam 5412675862 iso a sweet miniature horse 5412977541 or horse trailer 2005 alumalite fifth wheel 8k$ 3 tip outs 36 to 38 awnings etc iso toy or honda car 5412174705 iso home for stella and hogie and need a screen door 5412941705 lecture this evening Koenig speaking on space travel health noon to 3 sunday at sda church in coquille storage sale tomorrow space 59 10 til 6, need to move a fifth wheel 2670122 diana cook 2615774 for info on sda clothing swap 12 to 3 sunday 5 male goats 5412977649 moving sale 708 dean st coq craftsman lawnmowwer 6.75 self propelled 75$ 5412905045 iso cockatiels females 8023381232 schwinn varsity bike , chair w ottoman, vhs tapes, 5412173053 cem plots , coffee and end tables, high heel chair, red a black 2174144 house sale 425 hall apt 2 iso small pick up and a small trailer, cans and bottles picked up, 5412604007

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-13-2021

dragon at mill casino make greenhouse for me and have a my pillow pillow, 2174226 5720729 67 firbird original motor and trans $30k and apollo boat 2677376 suoy sheep and one ram, 12x12 beam 5412675862 iso a sweet miniature horse 5412977541 or horse trailer 2005 alumalite fifth wheel 8k$ 3 tip outs 36 to 38 awnings etc iso toy or honda car 5412174705 iso home for stella and hogie and need a screen door 5412941705 lecture this evening Koenig speaking on space travel health noon to 3 sunday at sda church in coquille

Monday, May 10, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-10-2021

5413961633 lori iso 2500$ or less auto tile hearth 2974996 and free piano iso pickup and trailer, 5412604007 also cans and bottles 22 ft catalina on trailer sailing boat 2008 7000$ obo 5412603907 txting or homer 5415723667 pilates 100$ 2 lawn chairs 30 and 15 fridge magic chef ivory 7562116 calls remington curler set 10$ lil pie maker, 3$ my pillow pillow25$ 5415720729 vintage 1968 cn 90 2941318 set of custom bifold doors OAK w mirror, 100$ coffee end table cem plots high heel 5412174144 \Tim iso pasture 2521602 also walker for sale 5412972144 city cab iso drivers 5417074464

Friday, May 7, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-7-2021

car and a boat firebird 30k$ 541267376 craftsman lawnmower no bag 6.5 75$ 5412905045 96 f250 powerstroke needs work 3000$ obo and a table saw w joiner 3661965 iso little pickup also need small trailer or apt, 2604007 4 inch rockwell planer 150$ CB 8084518 forklift for sale 6k lb 3500$ 2941318 washer and dryer set 500$ body parts for 2001 silverado coffee and end table, plant stand, cem plots, high heel chair 2174144 jet skis yamaha, 850$ , 600$ an Kawi 450$ 5412941318 iso harley parts need motor, 5412522919 iso witness of accident 5418087065 april 22 6pm 2 slalom skis also have a coin op rocking horse, 400$ postal scales w weights 5412973337

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Public Party Call Log 5-5-2021

computer desk for sale, 2691718 2948100 67 firebird 30k$ 17 ft apollo v hull boat 5k$ 5412677376 utility trailer for a side by side 5412603300 shepards hooks 4$ wooden dowels asst size and price, aoniums and calle lillies, dahlia tubers 1$ each 5418883648 8 ft 4x4 16$ each 7515483 battery pack weed eater 5415723622 my pillow 25$ 12 bags of tee post clips ss sink and cer sinkd manure spreader 5415720729 need small 4 wheeler 5415722956 93 Harley brake adjust 5413963054 cem plots , coffee and end table, plant stand, high heel chair 2174144 plants for sale, tomato, pepper, apple , by Ken Ware 3830 vista 5418449321 scroll saw 2085537998 shore acres puzzle, calle lilly plants, buckets, 5 gal w lid 3$ 3.5 for 2.50$ 5418883648 toyota forklift pneumatic tire text 2941318 and a washer and dryer 500$ have hay for sale 4$ a bale bandon 5413472234

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Public Market Call Log 4-21-2021

Murray mtn bike 15$ needs tire fixed, 1 raised bed available 15$ 2 pair barrel planters and a shore acres puzzle 3$ , aoneums and calle lillies, 5418883648 sold the stationary bike sda church food giveaway 5417567413, james for comp tech 5417562468 and Paul 5414044304 scroll saw RBI brand Hawk model 800$ or offer, 5537998 craftsman riding lawn 5414046576 $600 need a car dolly tow behind have a stihl 28 inch bar and stihl weedeater call dave 5412941821 coffee table and end tables DS games, cem plots @ sunset , parakeet, high heel 5412741444 phone number for kermit 5414048100 8x8 rubbermaid shed, also big rubbermaid shed, 250$ for 8x8 big one 5412667047 orchard grass 4$ a bale in bandon 5413472234 rose iso tiny pickup and helping friend find a trailer cheap, 2604007

Monday, April 19, 2021

Public Party Call Log 4-19-2021

dodge or ford dually wheels and 265 tire 5412908902 sale 2 family on 90817 wilshire off arago tools and music supplies Sat 9 to 3 77 apollo boat I/O new top 5k$ 67 firebird ready to go 30k$ 2677376 iso help for hay season 2 or more four days, need help with housecleaning, 2690952 1000 r side by side yamaha parts, 5412907363 jeff hypertuff electric chain saw, 100$ 5415380120 still iso riding lawn mower and have a green 87 suzuki samurai rag top w winch, 5k$ and have a sidekick parts 5413661121 have a metal bed w different pieces, 10$ 5413472829 have walking suoy sheep, 5412695862 leave message chicken coop 75$ entertainment table, 5412944118 igloo dog house free 5415722236 or 115 ash st 67 firebird 326 30k$ 17 ft apollo 130 hp, 5k$ 5412677376 food bank 2175 newmark sda church, food or clothes available, tech support by James, 5417562468 or donate at 5477567413 paul taking computers to rebuild 5414044304 old windows aluminum frame, one my pillow, sears bug zapper, quart size jars, free, binocs 5415720729 med size dog kennel folding type, 25$ w case and a fiberglass dodge taper bed 150$ 5413964104 1993 2wd ford pickup 5.0 motor 1100$ auto aluminum wheels, 5412944721 iso litle pickup need a small trailer to live in, 2604007 scroll saw rbi hawk 800$ 2085537998 firewood on the ground also seasoned cherry wood 5412946176 5412174144

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Public Party Call Log 4-15-2021

need pickup 5412760122 iso washer and dryer under 300$ 5414046096 and need playstation 4 lots of suet feeders, birdhouses, 1 raised bed 51x21x11 2 pair of half barrell planters, 40$ a pair and shepards hooks, 7$ and 5$ each, aoniums and calle lillies, dahlia tubers, 5418883648 help wanted for cab company part time, reedsport, 5412712244 or 5417074464 stihl weedeater 20$ iso a puppy to replace the golden lab 54139625999 5414044304 for paul (He needs a place to work from) coos bay sda church 5417567413 and James 5417562468 coffee and end tables, 150$ plant stand, parakeet 45$ car cover, 5412174144 iso a covered dog run w panels or 3ft x pen 5412941705 fiberglass canopy w tapered bed 150$ folding dog kennel, new 25$ and a small dog 15$ 5413964104 17ft ski fish boat 5000$ w trailer and new battery, 5412677376 my pillow pillow 25$ and old windows for greenhouse, offer, sears bug zapper, workout bench, 5415720729 excersise 20$ 1220 harris st apt 3 MP or 5412948970 sat 9 tyo 3 yard sale 2 family, 90817 wilshire ln 95 chevy suburban 4wd 100$ 5418087065

Friday, April 9, 2021

Public Party Call Log 4-9-2021

Have a miniature horse and need a handyman, need repairs made, charleston 5412977541 text Wayne 3 family yard sale bandon 9 to 3 Fri and sat 298 sw 13th st hiring cabbies, reedsport 25 clean record 5417074464 sda church needs donations, paul needs a room for working on computers, 541 404 4304 services on Saturday 1030 to n00n 5417567413 and James for computer tech support, 5417562468 Pelican Harbor, food give away today!10 to whenever its gone! need 14: tires in good shape 205 75 r 14 5412901140 iso stone polisher @ coastgranite creations iso zero turn lawn mower and have suzuki cars and parts 5413661121 needing a couch and loveseat 75$ Libby Lane 5412667489 wurlitzer piano free 2085537998 shore pines coos bay pile of horse manure, 5412278133 call or text cape arago work out bench 10$ glass quart jars for canning, bug zapper5$ mens jacket and one MY PILLOW 25$ son does window washing and gutter cleaning 5415720729 iso front loader washer and dryer for the kids and need ODB2 scanner, needing a place to stay for a friend, need small pickup 26504007 chicken coop w nest box, 75$ tv stand w glass top 50$ flower vases older 5412944118 bachelors club table and end tables , plant stand. parakeet 45$ car cover new 10$ 5412174144 iso lawnmower, suzuki for sale w winch, 5413661121 1977 17 ft apollo 130 hp volvo 5412677376 5000$ 3 brand new radiators for older hondas 84 to 87 and a 82 to 85 accord, south bandon 5415511517 case 210 tractor 4 cyl gas 5000$ 2944787 and have a 3 point stella and hodgie 125 lbs a piece 5412941705 iso 3 lambs 5412674185 need a taxi driver 25 good driving record, 5416620357

Friday, April 2, 2021

Public Party Call Log 4-2-2021

 excersize bike stationary 22$ 1220  harris apt 3 5412948970

still got mans winter jacket watch Timex 5$ trichem paints and fertilizer spreader, 2 my pillow pillows 25$ each mayo jars free 5415720729

iso good cond tow dolly for 2015 ford focus 5412941821  canyonville 

needing computers for repair 5414044304 Paul, James for tech support 5417562468 and donations to SDA church, 5477567413

glass table top 3.5 square no stand 5412177074

yard sale Charleston Monday behind Capt Johns motel 2 to 7. dressers  5412970122

2 vinyl window 34 x 58 tall 25$ each 5412946798 coq

moving sale sat 9 to 3 2 family tools, awning, paint sprayer, stationary bike, painting, keyboard, bar stools cape arago 90817 wilshire 

iso little pickup , fishtank, and help, 5412604007

2006 dodge nerf 5419131624 

1989 allegra motorhome, 8500$ obo iso ford or chevy 3/4 ton truck 2536272

have chuck and lucy african geese 30$ need cabinet for kitchen, need home for stell and hadgi 

coffee and end table, gumball machine 20$ car cover 10$ sale at 425 apt 2 hall ave 2174144

100 rounds 9mm 75 cents a round 5418087065 cape 

cahins , pilates , white wicker walker, table cloth, 7562116

industrial sewing machine good shape, 250$ remnants of material, 12x12 x 20.4  ft 5412695862 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Public Party Call Log 04-01-2021

 excercise bike works great 15$ obo 1220 harris st apt 3 MP 5412948970

2 twin beds 20$ for both , wine rack 5$ entertainment unit 10$ roof rack for jeep 30$ dog training aid 10$ 24 boxwes of pottery 200$ steve 8186742818 91699 cape arago

paul works on computers for donations 4044304 and SDA church has need for donations to keep running 5417567413 or call James for computer tech 7562468

riding mower zero turn med sized , suzuki samurai w winch etc, 4k$ also have lots of suzuki parts 5413661121

iso edison phonograph needs records 5412677706

watch lady ISO linda needs a calle rto call back 5415270729

2015 malibu 2.5 liter 78k miles well taken care of 11500$ 5412909523 or 5413474790

kenmore front load dryer, also have 5412947269 175$ 

safeway construction area handicapped cross at mcdonalds

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Public Party Call Log 03-31-2021

 excercise bike dp fit for life egometer 1220 harris st apt 3 MP OR 5412948970 20$ 

2 twin beds with box springs 20 a

each wine rack 5$ entertainment center 10$ grayco playpen,5$ jeep roof rack 30$ collectible pottery 8186742818 91699 caper arago hwy STEVE

coos bay sda church has food giveaway today and clothing available, 930 to noon 5417567413 and James for tech support 5417562468 also comp donations.

GPS , ent center, miter box w saw, 10$ new comp modem, 5413966402

load of firewood dry fir 180 a cord drop to 8084518 BRYAN 

2 brand new my pillow lillows 25$ each , rollers make offer, mens winter jacker 5$ tri chem paints 5$ 5415720729

need home for 2 mini pigs and 2 african geese have a 4x6 metal shed needs door and roof 5412941705

coffee and end table 5412174144

older piano 2974996

89 allegro motorhome, 8500$ obo iso chevy of ford 1/2 or 3/4 on 2536272

linda needs mens watch 5415720729  

need worker coquille 5412902538

fred meyer construction 

north bend senior center is closed. coos bay sdas church 5417567413 and James at 5417562468  paul 5414044304

coquille supply onion 50 mto 60 walla walla starts 5412976482 coos bay

items for sale tire chains 15$ tom tom gps 25$ pilates table 100$   wicker walker table cloth, iso upholstery work on canvas or tarp. 7562116

iso little pickup and need small trailer 26040007

Monday, March 29, 2021

Public Party Call Log 3-29-2021

 rooster free white with blotches, 5415511707

sda church need donations they also have food giveaways Tuersday 9 to noon and clothing and household items 5417567413, James provides tech support 5417562468 or Paul for free computers at 

iso little pickup and have a smart book, with cards 10$ iso 30 gal fish tank, 2604007

aluminum ramp 10 ft by 38 inch 150$ 3964104 riverton 

89 allegra motorhome 8500$ hemi motor iso ford or chevy 3/4 ton pickup 25362730 2536117

hadgi and stella pigs need a home asap, good with kids and have african geese pigs are 75$ a pair $30 2941705

iso pet for sliding door, and need a chevy s10 5418082311

Yard sale. 64392 Roy rd Empire Oregon 27th and 28th Saturday and Sunday 9am to5pm

$100  · Coos Bay, OR

House hold goods clothes pots and pans clock collection Stein's Knick knacks computer desk Lots of miscellaneous Stuff

3 doubvle insulated fish totes 1500$ for all 5412901007

whirlpool dryer 200$ north bend will deliver 5412947269

coffee and end atble, 5412174144 indoor sale 425 hall apt 2 

excersise bike DP Fitness for for life ergometer 20$  5412948970 1220 harris apt 3 MP

Riding lawn mower and have a suzuki samurai for sale winch lighting etc, has slight oil leak 4000$ maroon also have 50lbs for sale 3661121

RC 1/18 4wd Speed Pioneer Sandy Land New Lipo

$60  · Coos Bay, Oregon

They are new price 60.00 each one red or blue bocy shell. Great for the kids or beginners. The Speed Pioneer Sandy Land 4wd Trucks.. Both are the same come with 2 7.4 850 mAh lipo, box manual anc chargers. That 2 batteries one each one. They have a nice 380 brushed motor and a 25a ESC. Go about 28 mph and the transmitter has the dual rate in the steering and throttle control. They have steel Drive shafts good oil filled shock absorbers. Anti Collision front and rear bumpers. 12 mm hexagon rims rubber mounted all terrain tires. Great on all kinds of terran. 541-337-2528

I have a Titled 1967 Smoker Craft in Good Shape, Riveted and Does Not Leak 11ft 9in. Trailer is no good. $800 OBO 541-297-6482

$800  · 97420

moving sale sat 3rd 9 to 3 90817 wilshire lane off cape arago keyboard yamaha, stationary bike , lawnmower, painting, tools , 

full size piano free and basketball, 2974996

I have 4 boat motors. #1 is a Suzuki 5 horse it was running when I last used it. #2 is a Mariner 8 horse. It was gone through and runs but needs a throttle cable. #3 is a Evinrude fishermen 6 horse, I was told it runs but I Never used it. #4 is a Johnson that I know nothing about. First 3 are $75 apiece. Buy all 3 for $150 and the Johnson I will throw in for free. 541-297-6482

98 f150 ford 550$ or trade fr car dolly 5414355991

upgradaed potable water heater 55 gal free 5417562940 NB

ISO help must have good drivers license 25 and older must  live in reedsport, 5417074464

sda church food bank tomorrow from 930 to noon 2175 newmark ave 5417567413 james for comp help 5417562468

stella and hodgy iso home 75$ for the pair chuck and lucy african geese  30$ for the pair 4h 20$ 5412941705 5412971830

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Public Market Call Log 3-23-2021

 Have 2006 dodge megacab nerf bars 80$ 5419131624

98 f15 4wd ford needs rad 500$ coq. 5414355991

goose eggs 5$ a dozen 2944787 coq 

iso small pickup and a fish tanks and 55 gal hood, iso 28 ft trailer, around 1400$ or 2 bdrm apt 5412604007

Pending  · 2003 Honda 400ex

$2,500  · 97423

2003 Honda 400 ex fat boy 4 exhaust k&n filter fluids changed new spark plug new battery has rear sand tires runs great have California title in my name


Cell (951)760-8498

coos bay sda church and food bank 5477567413 or james at 5417562468 paul 4044304

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Public Party Call Log 3-23-2021

 $15  · Coos Bay, Oregon

Nice Fishing lake pole for bass, tout, sun fish. Has the 12 lbs Zebco line on it. Can cast a Great distance. Ready to go for the nearby lakes that should been stock by now. 541-337-2538

Rockridge 21 speed Motiv Trail bike 26"

$170  · Coos Bay, Oregon

Awesome to ride and shifts according nice and smooth. 21 speed Rockridge Motvi trail or road bike. With the walk through frame for a man or a woman. Has lots of upgraded components parts. New front and rear fenders. New bike chain. New Kenda all terrain rubber 26 x 2.10 tries mounted on aluminum rims. Light weight bike. That ajuststable seat is secured with a cable not to walk off. Being it is expensive the Avenir Gel Spring cushion seat. Has the rear Top gear bike rack on it. Now if you want the Bag not include yet will sell it at cost s the 3N1 Pannier bike bag. But you can make a offer on the bike. STL Shimano front and rear derailers. There is a left side mirror. Again the bike is offer accepted. 541-337-2538

Non slip Yoga mat

$5  · Coos Bay, Oregon

$5 for each.

Dimension: 24''X45'', 5mm.

Prefer local pickup, cash. Contact 360-818-1868.

stella and hodgie kune kune pigs, $75 for the pair. 5412941705 iso storage shed

have rv tires for trailers, 30$ a piece schwinn bike 75$v 5412174704

sda church food giveaway 2175 Newmark ave 9#0 to 12 noon today 7567413  pauls number 5414044304 and James 5417562468 for online help

mans winter jacket 10$ wristwatch 5$ real estate books, tri chem paints, 5$ fertilizer spreader , quart mayo 5720729

coffee and end table plant stand, 5412174144

Monday, March 22, 2021

Public Party Call Log 3-22-2021

 sda church needs donations, has a food bank on tuesdays 930 on Newmark by walmart 5417567413 or James at 5417562468

06 t0 10 dodge ram nerf bars 125$ 5419131624

2006 Volkswagen New Beetle

$8,000  · 97420

2006 Volkswagen New Beetle · Convertible · Driven 42,111 miles

42,000 miles . Leather heated seats stereo works great and has cover for top for when you put it down. No cracks in the interior 808 707 4950

pignose strat

$250  · 97449

Original vintage pignose strat body with after market neck

Custom control wiring


Killer tone

Text 602 489-9673

2013 Gibson Les Paul LPJ PRO Custom

$850  · 97449

Maple neck

solid mahogany body

Jimmy page wiring 4 push pulls

Gibson fitted case

Text 602 489-9673

3 a bale grass hay bridge area 400 5725821

2 Kune cun pig and 100 for the pair 5412941705 raised around kids great!

iso reloading stuff 5413961739

Friday, March 19, 2021

Public Party Call Log 3-19-21

 Paul needs a room to work on computers 541-404-4304.

SAD Church 2175 newmark ave by Walmart food give away 9:30-12 and saturday 541-756-7413.

Tec support for donation 541-756-2468 James

Looking for Ford or Chevy 3/4 ton, Selling: Alegra Motor Home $8500 OBO 541-253-6117.

suc electric kilm $1000 #818240 541-888-4335

2 end table marble top and coffee table $150, plant stand marble top $40, yard sale through sunday 425 hall #2 coos bay 541-217-4144

15" tire chains $15, western hardback books, gps $25, pilates table $100, white wicker rocker $125 541-756-2116.

craftsman 30 gallon 110 volt vertical style oilless  compressor $125, polished stainless steel nerf bars 2006-2010 541-913-1624

looking for small pickup 541-260-4007

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Public Party Call Log 3-18-21

 travel trailer, heater $20 541-297-0122

Looking for 3/4 pick up and 32 foot trailer, for sale: 89 alagra motor home for sale $8500 obo 541-253-6117

craftsman 110 air compreesor $125obo, new polished stainless steel nerf bar 2006-2010 $125obo 541-913-1624

98 F150 Ford 4x4  $600 needs radiator, battery, looking for small tow dolly 541-435-5991

coos bay sda church 2175 newmark ave. food bank comuunity service, gold coast grade school 

food bank tuesday's 9:30-12. 

Looking for working computers, desk tops and doing tec support for donation James: 541-756-2468  

church: 541-756-7413

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Public Party Call Log 03-16-2021

 rv tires 12 var sizes 25$ a piece,  nice bikes 175$ from Buffalo 60s schwinn 125$ 5412174705

sda food giveaway today. On Newmark ave by Walmart. starts at 9:30am. 5417562468 for James 

Western dress Cowboy boots Size 10

$25  · Coos Bay, Oregon

Western Casual Dress Cowboy boots. Size 10 comfortable design black soft leather like new not my style. barely worn comfrotable well Design. 541-337-2538

Vintage copper and brass expressions machine

$90  · Reedsport, OR

A rare collectible . The brass and copper worth more than asking price.Take a chance make a offer pick up in reedsport cash text and phone 541-217-9040. This is being sold as is where is no warrentieies etc


coffee and end table and marble top 2174144

rooster whit with chocolate 5415511707 coq 

f150 600$ 98 4wd 5.4 coq 5414355991

heater for sale rad type 15$ 5412970122

motorcycle 84 v65 magna 19k miles Black 1800$ Florence 5419994778

1 bdroom 1 bath needed for Bobby Lester $6 to $7 7026591072

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Public Party Call Log 3-09-2021

 1992 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide

$7,400  · 97420

1992 Flhtc ultra classic Electra glide, motorcycle bagger in excellent condition. Recent maintenance includes, tune up, service, belt replacement, new battery, new rear tire and oil change. After market pipes, seat, raised bars and various chrome. Bike rides like a dream. Call 54one, 2nine7, 3zero75

2001 ford f250 4dr short bed lifted 7.3 diesel 15500$ 5412905045

14 ft tandem trailer 4.8 inch inside 1100$ corningware 5412677376

shore acres puzzle, 12 v cooler and warmer, raised bed 15$ and 2 half barrel 20$ each or 40$ for pair, iso aquarium cleaner 5418883648

hay for sale 4$ a bale bandon 5413472234

22 ft dutchman 2013 exc shape 8000$ w tow package 5412667489

coos bay sdas church comm svc and food bank 5417567413 and james 5417562468

small civil war library antique authors 325$ dining room set NICE 325$ coq 5413965340 

liquor cabinet 5412970122 bird cage 40$ 

iso racing 2674246

e150 cargo van good tags and title,$1500 jelly belly snow cone machine 25$ push broom 10$ dancing and plastic cup 10$ 5412949212

glass top oven coffee table plant stand 2174144

corningware , hutchwes with dishes, lighthouse 5412677376

Friday, March 5, 2021

Public Party Call Log 03-05-2021

 SPORTS Enthusiasts! We have your sports covered with 24/7 CBS sprorts coverage on KHSN 1230am!

Tune in and listen to Amy Lawrence from 11pm to 1am

THE DA Show from 3am to 7am

followed by The Pat Mcaffee show from 7 to 9am

then we have Jim Rome from 9am to 12pm with Tiki and Tierny following jim from noon to 3 finally we have Zach Gelb from 3p to 7p

and a JR sports brief from 7 to 11pm

AND The Trailblazers games LIVE!

We have ALL your sports covered so tune in to KHSN 1230am for YOUR 24/7 SPORTS!

household stuff for sale jewelry for sale 400$ trailer 1200$ 5412677376

36 ft 89 allegra motorhome 8500$ iso chevy of ford 1/2 ton 5412536272

samsung washer and drywer red neither works 5419802343 bandon 

sda church 5417567413 tech support james 5417562468

sale cooktop sale 9 to 5 425 hall apt 2 5412174144

couch love seat and recliner, 100$ and 2001 f250 pickup w 190k miles 16.5k$ new uhaul dolly 75$ 5412905045

new uhaul dolly 75$ 

Set of Books

$100  · 97411

Life time books some were still in monthly boxes. Prefect shape

Call 541 347-4503

Cowboy boots

$20  · 97411

Size 9 1/2 E

Call541 347-4503

Proline men Size 9 Insluated rubber boots.

$20  · Coos Bay, Oregon

Very good set of Proline rubber insluated waterproof muck or rain boots. Size 9. The height of the boot from the heel is 15 in height, and toe area across 4 inches. More medium no longer need these for someone skilled worker in concrete or just use for clamming on the Oregon Coast. Can make me a offer 541-337-2538

90 gal fishtank 250$ patio table best off  5412944118 

russell wilson football seahwaks 600$ 5412976335

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Public Party Call Log 03-04-2021

 Cords of Fir Firewood

$200  · Myrtle Point, OR

Cords of Seasoned/Dry Fir Firewood $200

Delivery available $35

Stacking $25

Call Pat 541-572-3351

hi sense chest freezer 5.0 110$ 9319814936 rusty 

electric quad 4 wheeler red an black 30$ MP 5412526086

98 f 150 ford need starter and rad  coq 5414355991

Proline men Size 9 Insluated rubber boots.

$20  · Coos Bay, Oregon

Very good set of Proline rubber insluated waterproof muck or rain boots. Size 9. The height of the boot from the heel is 15 in height, and toe area across 4 inches. More medium no longer need these for someone skilled worker in concrete or just use for clamming on the Oregon Coast. Can make me a offer 541-337-2538

sda church 2175 newmark 5417567413 james with computer issues 5417562468

1983 bronco 2 v6 4wd 100k miles 1500$ cash  5416620357

coffee and end table, stove 29 2174144

air pods headphones 100$ 2nd gen iso storage shed plastic and need chain link dog kenell 5412941705

house full of everything jewelry for whole lot corningware 5412677376 

motorhome delmar has a5415299564 small motorhome 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Public Party Call Log 3-3-21

 octagon table old wind up record player 2970122

lighthouse cabinet with light 500$ christmas stuff and a 14 ft 1200$ 5412672124 ands 2 lane chest

21 speed mongoose bike 75$ 2 20 inch bikes 830 5416621457

planter box 15$ 2 half barrel planters plastic 20$ each shepherds hooks, shore acres puzzle 5418883648

iso small box type freezer for free 1220 harris apt 3 MP 5412948970

SDA church 5417567413 and James 5417562468

still iso storage shed and small trailer or motorhome tooter serama rooster 5412941705

2 bikes schwinn and 5 or 6 rv trailer tires 75$ 5412174705 neighbor has antique coocbooks 

motorhome delmore 5415299564 jamboree 2000$ 

firewood coquille needed 8241318

samurai 86 with winch cb has 31 inch tires hard top removable 4000$  extra parts also bandon 3661121

kermit needs firewood, 5414048100

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Public Party Call Log 2-18-21

 1989 ford van, work van, new brakes, rotors, water pump, radiator, oil change $500


white turtle dove $75 with chicken pen, 3 wheel gas weed eater, used once $400 541-294-4118

male cockatel $25, yard sale at storage unit in charleston #59 saturday, lawn chairs

541-297-0122 don't leave message, call back

small rocker recliner, flowered cloth $50 541-396-4104

coos bay sda church food bank, free desk top computer, tec support over the phone can be traded for a donation James:541-756-2468  CHURCH:541-756-7413

3 tires pp205/55r16 $150 OBO, small infant cradle $50 541-290-9451

Monday, February 15, 2021

Public Party Call Log 02-15-2021

 friend moving has 81 chevy 2wd pickup w power tailgate and 600$ 5412522102

food bank sda TODAY 930 to noon... clothing give away also, James for tech support for a donation call james ENGINEER 5417562468 church number 5417567413

iso payphone and fenders 5418082311

tow chains 25$ coffee and end tables tv plant stand 5412174144

16 ft pull trailer 900lb 1999 5412677376 coos bay

iso water well pump 1/2 hp or 1 hp 2901140

89 ford van work van 300 six cyl, 500$ obo 5412974101

lift on the back of a pickup 1500$ and a uhaul hitch like new 200$ and a 10x10 dog kennell 300$ 5412974997 90824 laurel cove lane 

iso fenders and need some airtools rebuilt need payphone, 8082311

2 crab traps, commemorative 92 olympics coke bottles, 24 inch mountain bike 15$ 5418883648

iso work need a job 5412908235 Jarrett iso 

kermit 5414048100

nice childs desk for sale 23 high 65$ 7565038

89 allegra motorhome in good cond, 8000$ obo 5412536117

iso 29 gal tank and a bow tank lid, need a small truck have a little twin bed free, 2604007

Friday, February 12, 2021

Public Party Call Log 1-12-2021

 3 crab traps ready to go, mixed 7 inch letters and numbers free aluminum pole 18 ft x 3 inches galv pipe 5$ b and d toaster oven 5418883648

5412970122 coffee and end table offer, 

iso 29 gal fishtank and 55 gal hood, swivel rocker recliner, small truck an wheelbarrow and 5412604007

I am seeking out a counter height dining room table, preferably with a bench in a couple of chairs. Phone number is 541-435-5568. Looking for something in good condition.

coos bay sda church and school needs donations, 7567413 james 5417562468

iso upgrade for diesel pickup dodge 3/4 ton 10 barrells for horse training 1$ each 5412945001

12 ft riveted valco boat and 95 suburban and tahoe 5418087065

iso trailer for a mower and a torch 5413477185 used lumber 

4 panels scaffolding 5x5 and scissor supports 275$ 5414154924

iso bummer sheep, 5414049776

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Public Party Call Log 02-11-2021

 Collector plates of Gone with Wind, Norman Rockwell and Ducks

File cabinets

Framed pictures throuout the house

Flat screen TV

Matching coffee table and end tables

Duck collection

Many antique dishes, vases, silverware and more.

Garage full of tools, etc.

Shed full of nets, crab pots, and floats.


kittens or cats, 5415905280 and fiberglass canoe 300$

3 crab traps b and  toaster oven, 20$ works great, 12v cooler warmer 15$ 5418883648

truck 600$ 81 3/4 ton auto ca 2522102 5418880846

25ft sportscraft boat 12k$ 5418880846

coos bay sda church and school donations needed 5417562468 

want trailer for a lawnmower and a blow torch propane type 3477185

tires 175 r70 13 on honda rims 100$ stainless steel solid sink 6 radiators for hondas 60 to 40 each 5415511517

iso outside bbq imperial roman dagger 200$ megalodon shark teeth mammoth tooth, scaffolding 300$ thunder eggs, 200 to 600$ coquille area, 5414154924

8 pcs safety galaass 2170377 empire

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Public Party Call Log 02-10-2021

 needs a place to live, Elden 5412947269

sda food bank community service, 5417567413 james 5417562468

brush to burn 5413477185 

40$ a night places to park rvs 5412908902

suet feeders 3 to 8 bucks each shepards hooks heavy duty 7$ for 7ft 5$ for 5. 5418883648

81 chevy 3/4 ton 2wd 600$ needs brakes 2522102

Leonard has a fishing boat 25 ft 12k$ lots of goodies, 5418880846

iso dry firewood immediately 5414358623

Monday, February 8, 2021

Public Party Call Log 02-08-2021

 guitar for sale 50$v 1220 Harris st apt 3 MP OR 5412946928 guitar strings 

raised bed for planting 20$ and 15$ each 24 inch 10 spd 15 Murray 24inch5418883648

donations needed for SDA community services 5417567413 James for comp support 5417562468

iso 29 gal fishtank and a 55 gal showtank fishtank top and need recliner and pitchfork, small truck, 5412604007 have twin bed 

tan recliner and rocker recliner light fkowered both clean 50$ each 3964104

8pcs safety 76 x 34 glass 5412170377  

iso shower well pump 1/2 hp  2901140

iso fenders for trailer and original payphone, teardrop trailer 8082311

coquille uncle randys cafe 101 

hay 4$ a bale local grass hay and a drum kit 06 chevy aveo 2500$ white 5415720316

meat tenderizeras 5414358133

can recycle 5415511517 set of 4 tires 175 r 70 13 mounted and balance 150$ 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Public Party Call Log 02-05-21

 guitar for sale 50$ case strap stand 1220 harris st apt 3 MP or 5412948970

sda community church food bank needing donations or James will help you with comp work 5417562468 church number is 5417567413

iso outside bbq and have 2 dinosaur eggs 600 and 200 each and roman artifact some only a dollar a piece 5414154924 

iso 29 gal fish and a show tank hood and swivel rocker recliner and a small truck, lookin for lilac trees, need helper 5412604007

tow chains coffee table cer top stove 5412174144

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Public Party Call Log 02-03-2021

 cockatiel 10$ school clock 10$ juke box 2970122 futon 50$ 

7567413 sdas church food giveaway today 5417562468 for computer consults

mean temp 52.5

1988 Any Any

$13,000  · 97420

1988 Any Any · Driven NaN miles

ISO crawler loader with 4/1 clamshell bucket. Must run. No project machines or ones with repairs needed. Willing to adjust budget for the right machine. (541)808-8080 ok for seller to leave message.

tow chains 25$, coffee table, tv, plant stand, ceramic 5412174144

40 channel cb complete, 35$ 1937 zenith table top radio, 10$ emerson flat screen tv, 15$ am fm satellite reception 5412604810 halicrafters receiver

iso lumber 2x4 4x4 2x6 iso trailer for lawn mower 5413477185

48 chevy rear fenders 50$ 10 inch flare, iso real payphone dial type  5418082311 

accoustic guitar rogeu w stand 50$MP 1220 harris st apt 3 MP 5412948970

electronic tuner in

fenders on car 

5417562468 computers or research and sda church food bank 5417567413

iso early car fenders have a pair of metal 50s fenders 50$ dial payphone and maybe some fenderas 20s or 30s type also need a teardrop 8083211

empire lost bike found call 5418885851

29 gal fishtrank and a hood for a show tank, need full size bed and need a truck small to feed goats 5412604007

iso trailer to haul a mower and used lumber, 3477185

700 bales 4$  06 chevy aveo 2500$ 5720316

2017 toyota trd tacoma 34995$ 5412675826

friends redoing an old house exterior doors needed and need mahogony trim, need lantern sconces, have a storage unit with carpet 5412177074

Monday, February 1, 2021

Public Party Call Log 02-01-2021

 Samme Michael Dechambeau

Match collection

$600  · 97411

Matches from 50s to now. all over the world. Phone 541 347-4503

Bonnie McDonald

JetSiacnputearemeuySomedgeion 27s fauto n2:5n4 rPecMd  · 

Child’s desk

$65  · 97420

Solid wood desk with laminate top. Hand made. 2 pieces with 7 drawers

Call 541-756-5038

Ht 23”

W 42”

D 25”

free desktop computers james 5417562468  sda church 5417567413

iso pickup small and a full size bed, pitchfork and wheelbarrow and a 29 gal fish tank and hood for 55 gal fishtank and a helper, 5412604007

iso used lumber 2x4 2x6 4x4 firewood mixed 3477185

lazy boy furniture 100$ for couch and loveseat 75$ recliners 75$ 2905045

inside sale 26 inch mongoose bike 65$ 830 myrtle ave 6621457

Shirley Woods

2tSpetngonls0ormed  · 

Succulent Valentines'

$4,321  · North Bend, Oregon

Succulents for your Sweetie

Price is on the photo.

Call for directions 541-756-6974 North Bend

Fred Steinbrook

tSponsorelg3hrd  · 

Fishing Expedition Rod and King Fisher Garica Reel

$25  · Coos Bay, Oregon

Have a Expedition 7ft actually 68 inches in length recommend 8 to 20 test lbs line. Made by Master. Already has new 12 lbs Zebco line on the reel. 1 to 3 Oz lures. Medium pole and the reel is the Garica King Fisher 43 good setting drag. Fishing season around the corner great for Salmon and steelhead or fishing off the jetty. Offer accepted. 541-337-2538

Sherri Fox

sdtrSpol13nsohred  · 

For sale iPhone 6 s Plus

$150  · 97420

Apple unlocked Phone.. Has not been used much. Looks like New. Always had Otter cover on. Comes with Cover. Have earbuds, never been used.

Call 541-260-0056

acfcosu\stic guitar rogue 150$ w case 5412948970 1220 harris apt myrtlr point

1989 allegra motor home  new motor tranny 7500$  5412536117

Gibson Les Paul LPJ Custom PRO

$800  · 97449


2013 Gibson Les Paul Model J PRO with custom Jimmy Page wiring, (4 push pulls), Pearly Gates Humbuckers. Solid (HEAVY) deep grained mahogany body with a fast, slim, maple neck, rosewood fretboard, and exotic wood pickguard.

Comes with Gibson hard case.

No trades

Text me at 602 489-9673

Panama Jack Womans Beach Bikes

$200  · 97449

Two bikes

One Original Vintage panama jack womans beach bike with all the logos and bottle cap opener on the forks. This one is more of a collectable bike and all the original parts are pretty cool.

Second bike also panama jack beach nike but its a newer model

Both bikes in good condition

Text Don at 602 489-9673

50s table and six chairs

$350  · 97420

Great condition table has leaf in. Has 6 chairs.

Call 559-269-1248

Match collection

$600  · Bandon, OR

Matches from 50s to now. all over the world. Phone 541 347-4503

1988 Any Any

$13,000  · 97420

1988 Any Any · Driven NaN miles

ISO crawler loader with 4/1 clamshell bucket. Must run. No project machines or ones with repairs needed. Willing to adjust budget for the right machine. (541)808-8080 ok for seller to leave message.

iso half ton chevy or ford pickup 97 to 2004, 541 253 6272

75 dollars on the guitar TODAY only 5412948970

recliner iron blue 15$ 2 tier wooden end tables 28x18x14 10$ set bend cane rocker 10$ coquille 5413965179

hood for show tank aquarium and 29 gal complete fishtank, small truck needed . 5412604007

120 mig welder 60$ 71 vw decklid 40$ 5412944787

clock, 10$ tv mount 20$ cockatiel 5412970122

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Public Party Call Log 01-28-2021

 iso dryer used electric ladder rack modified 300$ 5412943399

paul has desktops (a few) windows and linux call james 5417562468 5417567413 for sda church

SOLD !!!!    3 used compund hunting bows 50 to 60 lbs pull, 150$ scott 5412976372

1997 subaru outback 172k miles trade for carb 4x4 truck 5417565942

englewood eric iso roofer 5412974101

iso used lumber and a riding lawn mower 5413477185

woodworker carpenter cabinet maker needed , 5418082311

tow chains 25$ cofee table, ceramic top stove, tv, blanket box 50$ 5412174144

iso carpenter woodworker, rebuild a teardrop, 5418082311

announcement coos county declaration restoration warship in bandon, Friday at 6:30 

couch w 2 recliners lazy boy 100 couch 75 for other 2 each , tv stand , black 5412905045

suet feeders, 3$ each b and d toaster oven, 15$ plants and planting have raised beds and planters, 20$ each 5418883648

electric chair for back of vehicle 3000$ , 5 x 15 dog kennel 6 ft 300$ 5412974997

southwestern blind chapter has candy and meat sticks and ceramic lighthouses, puppy love and Y marina Leonard needs a ride to eugene next week 75 plus gas and lunch 5418880846

$65  · 97420

Solid wood desk with laminate top. Hand made. 2 pieces with 7 drawers

Call 541-756-5038

Ht 23”

W 42”

D 25”

Small leather sectional couch

$130  · Florence, OR

Small sectional lack leather couch,like new . (L 94in. ×72in×w31in) comes in 2 pieces . Just bought something bigger is only reason I'm selling it. $130 obo need gone asap Prefer Text since I will be at work. 541.305.1502

washer died and bought new set kenmore elite dryer 100$ 5412947269

Cords of Fir Firewood

$200  · Myrtle Point, OR

Cords of Seasoned/Dry Fir Firewood $200

Delivery available $35

Stacking $25

Call Pat 541-572-3351

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Public Party Call Log 01-27-2021

 iso dryer used electric ladder rack modified 300$ 5412943399

paul has desktops (a few) windows and linux call james 5477562468 5417567413 for sda church

3 used compund hunting bows 50 to 60 lbs pull, 150$ scott 5412976372

1997 subaru outback 172k miles trade for carb 4x4 truck 5417565942

englewood eric iso roofer 5412974101

iso used lumber and a riding lawn mower 5413477185

woodworker carpenter cabinet maker needed , 5418082311

tow chains 25$ cofee table, ceramic top stove, tv, blanket box 50$ 5412174144

Monday, January 25, 2021

Public Party Call Log 1-25-2021

 free desktop computers, 5414044304 from Paul, invite to coos bay sda church, donations to food bank and services 7567413, james for tech support 5417562468

indoor sale desk, bicycles, 20 inch BMX bike 20$ 28 inch mongoose 21 speed 65$ 830 myrtle reedsport 5416621457

3x5 OPEN banner 7$, suet feeders 3$ 12 v cooler warmer, 15$ 5418883648

tacoma sport 2017 black 3000 miles on it, 34k$ 5412675826

sears cb base station w mike and coax worked last I used it 30$ radio shack dx 160 receiver, 50$ am/fm stereo radio, w dvd player 25$ 5412604810

tow chains , coffee and end tablwes, stove, tv, plant stand, 5412174144

need another handyman,iso 29 gallon fishtanks ond top of 55 b

gal show tank, full size bed, wheel barrow and a pitch fork 2604007

95 chevy suburban starts and runs 1000$ 5418087065

iso cord of wood 5412522029 coquille 5720316

Friday, January 22, 2021

Public Party Call Log 1-22-2021

 pop cans to pick futon for sale 2970122

james asking for funds donations for sda church also have services for computers 7562468 7567413 for sda church. paul 4044304

24 inch mountain bike, 20$ crab rings, black velvet wall hanging 27x37 30$ custom suet feeders,3$ 5418883648

95 chevy suburban new tires has knock 1000$ 5418087065

hiring a person 16$ an hour lifting req 5416620427

2003 Ford Taurus passenger window

$10  · 97420

I am looking for a 2003 Ford Taurus driver side passenger window please give me a call 541-808-7107

1998 Ford Explorer Sport Utility 4D

$2,400  · Coos Bay, Oregon

New Tires and tags, runs and drives smooth. Clean title. Asking $2400 OBO, for more information text or call 541 435-eight six 23

2000 Forest River Flagstaff

$2,200  · 97449

2000 Forest River Flagstaff · Driven NaN miles

selling our Foreat River Flagstaff 206 ltd tent trailer.its 10ft closed and 20.5 open.. its been a great little trailer but we upgraded and have no room to store this. It's not perfect, but it will be clean like in the pictures from when we first got it..Tires are good, we have a rack on the back that can go with it if wanted. It now has a double sink. The awning is good, not tore up..The furnace works amazing and will run you out of the trailer when you crank the temp up, it has a normal thermostat...haa a mini fridge and a two burner stove that can be used inside or outside..the flaws are it needs a new converter which only costs $100(we may get one but not sure yet) for now it runs perfect off a car battery and propane. there are a couple tares in the canvas, nothing bad, and they have been patched and sewn, you can barely tell they are there and they dont mess up anything...asking $2200obo...send message if interested or text 458-710-0419, very light can be towed by a car.

RC: ECX 1/10 2wd Truck Like New

$125  · Coos Bay, Oregon

Darn new clear body with the grey racing strips.. All stock where you can upgrade this ECX 2wd Truck yourself Has their 20t brushed motor goes about 28 mph on a 7.2 Ni-CM battery. try that newest 12t brushed Traxxas fan cooled for 14.95 this RC would fly.Yet up grade it to a 2s 35c goes 35 mph easy. Has the nice plam hand dual rate in steering and throttle control 2.4 Ghz transmitter. A 60 amp Dynamite ESC, Good brand Speedtread new all terrain tires on 12 mm hexagon rims., The chassis durable has that aluminum front skid plate. Good oil filled shock absorbers. I will give you one of my batteries and a charger to get you started. Could make it brushless also. That Traxxas 7 cell battery fits with the velcor strap all kinds of power. Offer accepted. 541-337-2538

top for aquarium, needs 2604007

aluminum rack 300$ obo 5412943399 2018 ford pickup

bench seat from a 66 for pickup, 150$ set of postal scales, 100 lbs max, 75$ 5412973337

hay in sitkum 4$ 5415720316 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Public Party Call Log 1-21-2021

 coos bay sda food service and grade school 7567413 donations needed . tech support call James 7562468, Paul has desktops 4044304.

3 crab rings, 24 inch mnt bike 10 speed, 20$ chain saw carving old sea captain 20$ 3x5 OPEN banner 7$  5418883648

2004 Chevrolet Tahoe · Z -71

$3,250  · 97420

Runs and drives good. Had left side damage to tires and wheels and running board. Damaged title. $3250. 541-297-4024. Dave

Karastan wool area rug

$600  · 97439

Beautiful wool karastan area rug. 8 ft. 8 in. X 12 feet. Very good cond. 600.00 cash. Jim 641 999 9262

tow chains 25$ coffee table . tv, plant stand  wood blanket box 5412174144

late 40s bench seat 150$ postal scale w weights 75$ 5412973337

1985 cj 7 jeep, 18900$ lance camper 14900$ 2690952

i buy cans, 6612054982

2006 chevy aveo 4 dr sedan, silver 180k miles all manual, 3500$  Allen 5412909213

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Public Party Call Log 01-20-2021

 cockoo clock 2970122 

sda church 7567413 for donations, james for tech support 7562468, Paul has computers 

2006 chevy aveo 186k miles on it 33 mph 25 city 4 door sedan 5412909213 allen 3500$ North Bend

iso full size bed , pitch fork, wheelbarrow, handyman, iso fish tank, hood for 55 gal, 2604007

rpod take over loan 2977541

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Public Party Call Log 1-19-21

 24" bicycle $20, 

42" tall 16" at the base chain saw carving, sea captain $20,

remington noiseless type writer $30


sda church food bank 9:30-12 today 2175 newmark ave. right before walmart. food and clothes

taking donations item (not clothes) or $$ call 541-756-7413

technical support over the phone (541-756-2468 James) for those who will donate $$ to food bank, church or grad school at the church 541-756-7413

looking for metal ridge cap and concrete cinder blocks 541-347-7185

if you found a wallet with a navy logo or a samsung phone by boost lost in the charlston/empire area.

also R-Pod 20/20 take over payments with good credit.

541-297-7541 can leave message

several pairs of #8 boots: Danner hunter boots gortec $100, neapream boots $50, sorel pack boots $50 new, browning hip boots camo $25 new, smoker front load little chief $50


tow chains $25, stove $200, plant stand $40, wood glass box for blanket $50
