Friday, September 29, 2017

Call Log for 9/29/17

  1. Fridge $250 217-4005
  2. Burn barrels / 5th wheel $8500 and $4500 call for details / want 400 tranny 997-2951
  3. memorabilia for sale / want handyman work 662-2137
  4. 1990 Chevy 4x4 short wide bed $5000 / 1979 El Camino parts car 267-7376
  5. Want washing machine 808-0416
  6. 1926-27 Ford model T body comes with front end $800 / 2012 Kawasaki side by side with winch under 97 hours 701-629-5722
  7. Want odd jobs 217-9518
  8. Want dual action airbrush 217-5726
  9. 14-16 inch chainsaw / alloy rims for Isuzu $80 / Med Street bike  helmet 404-0735
  10. Pool stick $20 with case and assc. / homelite chainsaw 20-24 inch bar $25 590-5280
  11. Want purple plums / want apple picker / fridge / grease gun / propane tank 260-4007
  12. LT 250 R 4wheeler with lots of extras will trade for bigger 4 wheeler or dirtbike 260-5050
  13. 185-65-R14s 75% tread $150 / 1970 Super T dune buggy street legal 4 spd $4500 271-1900
  14. Single bed $100 / Free Rocker recliner / lounge chair $50 808-2311
  15. 95 Honda Del Sol $4500 with extra smoke tinted top 662-1074
  16. Ford F250 with no Reverse $400 / Spot on the river to rent $200 269-2325
  17. 2 bedroom modular home in Reedsport trade or sell for $7000 361-6138
  18. Motor cycle run at 3 rivers 503-880-8620

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Call Log for 9/28/17

  1. Barrels for sale $15 / 98 5th wheel / 2004 Cardinal 36 foot 5th wheel $8500 991-7443
  2. Humming bird bepth find $100 / dog crate 509-939-5793
  3. Camp spot on the Millicoma river $200 / 91 standard cab truck / Odd jobs 269-2325
  4. 16 Foot glass ply boat and trailer needs new tires $100 / Aluminum rims $80 / 92 Nissan parts car / 89 F250 with blown engine $500 260-3989
  5. 4 185-65-R14 tires 80 % $150 271-1900
  6. Want phone number with guy from Lakeside named Doc with motorcycles 991-7443
  7. 2 Harley Davidsons $6000 each / tractor includes 2nd tractor for parts $3300 / 5th wheel $6500 in excellent condition / 92 Chevy 350 automatic ¾ ton van $1000 297-9370
  8. 4 Wheeler with extra engine and tires trade for 4 wheeler or dirtbike  260-5050
  9. Want small to medium sized dog 435-5594
  10. 1000 Gallon wather tank for $350 / saddles for sale 266-7047
  11. Amana Washing machine $150 / 5th wheel hitch $150 294-3802
  12. 90 Short wide bed 4x4 $5000 / 79 El Camino parts car 267-7376
  13. Want spare tire for Ford Expedition  LT265-75-R16 297-9370

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Call Log 9/27/2017

Public Market Call Log for 09/27/2017

  1. 5412976789
  2. Samson galaxy s 5 200 or trade, 541-2178630
  3. Huge gentlemen’s estate sale in Cottage Grove Friday Saturday and Sunday 9-4. check out gentlemen’s estate sale on Facebook, or call 541-913-1624
  4. Fiberglass row boat with accessories $50, pool stick $20, chainsaw 541-590-5280
  5. Samurai 87 in good shape $5000, jet boat 8 horse power $20,000 366-1121
  6. looking for a rental, interested in work for house and/or pet sitting, have reference call Karen 541-347-8249
  7. ping pong table, cigar box, misc tools, swimming pool, etc looking for a house 260-4007
  8. 27 foot star craft 5th wheel, 65000. Tractor with parts tractor 3300, tow vans $950 for running and $200 for parts van, 3 Toyota Camry $150. tow Harleys 541-2979370
  9. Spare tire carrier for a Polaris $150, set of tires  size: 225/80 14 bf Goodrich $500 541-913-1624
  10. 1990 Chevy pick up short bed $5000, El Camino Parts car,  541-267-7376
  11. selling 2 bedroom modular home sell or trade, $7000, have a rental for $415 a month call 361-6138
  12. 20012 Kawasaki 8500, 1926 Model T fiberglass body $800, small manual “tire man” tire changer non hydraulics, $200, 701-629-5722
  13. automatic transmission out of a one tone, rear end for one tone , a ford v8 motor, collection of Tonka toys, 290-5324, straight one tone frame
  14. Burn barrels food grade $15. 99 KIA needs tyranny work $700. sly bed $100, 1998 hitchhiker 5th wheel $4500 very nice can deliver 541-991-7443
  15. 1991 for Broncos SLT $2000, 541-217-9518
  16. looking for small to medium size dog 541-435-5594 empire

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Call Log for 9/26/2017

Public Market Call Log 09/26/2017

  1. Set of tires and wheel fit Polaris 225/20 14 $500, spare tire carrier 1$50. 541-913-1624
  2. Nordic track treadmill 200 obo, 12 foot boat with trailer 1800 obo, cement mixer for home use 100, pellet stove 200, 541-662-2601
  3. Gentlemen’s estate sale Friday Saturday and Sunday,  9-4, lots of stuff, located at 214 Calamine drive, 541-913-1624
  4. kids trumpet, $200, 260-4810
  5. 2005 grand caravan dodge van, chipper and shredder $75, 541-662-0357
  6. 2 tractors $3300, two Harley $6000, 2 Chevy vans one running one  not, $200 (not) $950 (running) , 5th wheel tip out star craft, $6500 541-297-9370
  7. 1926 fiberglass model T body and front end $850, tie changer $200, old ammunition, (box of brass) $40, 701-629-5722
  8. Ford F250 91 $500. obo, spot for a trailer on the river 541-269-2325
  9. Cast iron skillets various pieces, slay bed $100, 36th fifth wheel, Call Buffalo, at 541-9917443
  10. 1990 Chevy short wide box 4x4, $5000 or part trade, 541-267-7376
  11. 87 Samaria, soft top, $5000,  Big aluminum boat $20,000, 541-366-1121
  12. chain saw, home light, $25., pool stick east point, 20, row boat $50, 541-5905280
  13. 27 foot tug boat, 15000, 541-991-9323
  14. 2000 Jeep Cherokee $200 541-361-0315

Monday, September 25, 2017

Call Log for 9/25/17

  1. Cascade hops for sale $10 670-3298
  2. 1990 Ford 4x4 $5000 / El Camino parts for 79 267-7376
  3. Trumpet $75 260-4810 / 80 Love Chevy pick up $1000 294-4842
  4. Suzuki Samurai $5000 / 23 foot boat $20,000 366-1121
  5. 27 foot 2003 Starcraft 5th wheel with tip out $6500 / 92 Chevy van $950 / Parts van $200 / 3 toyota Camrys 1998 $300 297-9370
  6. 22 Foot boat new with 28 hours $68,000 294-8345
  7. Free Carpet / Free lawnmower / hand made roll top desk $75 / Radial arm saw/ Queen size mattress  217-9646
  8. xbox with lots of games and controllers make offer 294-2444
  9. Queen size bed $100 / 5th wheel trailer $4500 / want harley parts 991-7443
  10. firewood free 297-4996
  11. Several Items for sale 294-9212
  12. LT250R 4 wheeler with extra engne and new tires and paddle tires Trade for a 4 stroke bike 260-5050

Friday, September 22, 2017

Public Market Call Log for 09/22/2017

Public Market call log for 9/22/2017

  1. Looking for rental house or cabin Langlois area 575 650. Karen 5413478249
  2. 99 KIA Sportage, parts car or fix clutch, 06 Saturn, lost keys 500, king size slay bed, also looking for Harley parts, Call Buffalo , 541-991-7443
  3. burned sown 2905324
  4. 87 LT250R two stroke, 1400 or trade, RN engine, 600, set of 8 lug Wheels for ford $350 obo or trade 541-260-5050
  5. looking for a rental house duplex 541-808-1146, small TV with DVD player $10
  6. 1990 Chevy 4x4 5000 or trade, el Camino 541-267-7376
  7. looking for a lift chair 541-294-0986
  8. Star craft 5th wheel asking 7500, for parts 91 Chevy van  $200, good running 91 Chevy van 950, two Harley motorcycles, 3 Toyota Camry’s $50. 541-297-9370
  9. Spare ties carrier – Polaris -  $150,  Polaris razor wheels 900 1000 and rangers 500 for set, 541-913-1624
  10. need big chest freezers 541-756-5543
  11. looking for heating system for RV 541-808-0147
  12. 1984 dirt bike all new work Alex  541-637-78267
  13. Carpet to give away  217-9646
  14. George 1994 caprice classic 1100. 541-7070745 in Reedsport
  15. Looking for: Boston fern, screen door 36”, and a ukulele 541-271-1885
  16. ping pong table, swimming pool, 200 win star, propane tank, table,  lots of stuff 260-4007
  17. Lawn mower $40. 271-2859
  18. 20 gallon aquarium 30 instep 60, small kids bike 60, Plush Pony $60
 Nissan 2000 600 541-2949212
  1. garage sale at Methodist church in Reedsport, Frontage and Ranch RD

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Call Log for 9/20/17

  1. 90 Chevy 4x4 $5000 / 79 El Camino parts 267-7376
  2. 1994 Camaro $2800 420-0816
  3. 2005 Dodge Van $2000 / dune buggy $1400 / Wood chipper 662-0357
  4. Tractor and parts tractor with extras $3300 / Chevy van 91 $200 / 3 toyota camrys 1989 / Harleys for sale / Tip out 5th wheel 2003 Starcraft $7500 297-9370
  5. 8 Laying hens for free 551-5151
  6. Lots of stuff to get rid of and looking for 3 bedroom house for under $1000 in CB/NB 260-4007
  7. Camper shell off a Ford $100 / 12 foot skiff $25 / boat and trailer needs new tires $100 260-3989
  8. 17 foot canoe with trolling motor / Sliding hitch $250 294-9713
  9. Lost yellow Cockatiel in Gardiner 271-3563
  10. Row boat with paddles $75  / canoe with extras  590-5280

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Call Log for 9/19/17

  1. 1990 4x4 Chevy pick up $5000 / 79 El Camino Parts 267-7376
  2. 9 and ½ foot camper $3000 759-3651
  3. Lots of stuff for sale call for details and pricing 294-9212
  4. 4 Person hot tub needs heating element for free / bird cage Free / 8 laying hens 551-5151
  5. Dodge caravan $2000 / Dune buggy railer $1400 Chipper shredder gas powered 5hp $100 271-2244
  6. Tractor with front blade $3300 / 5th wheel Starcraft homestead 2003 with a tip out $7500 / 3 toyota camrys for parts / couple of Harleys 297-9370
  7. 84 Honda cr dirt bike $3000 551-1250
  8. Motor home $300 burned but engine is good 290-5324
  9. Camper shell / Want air filter cover for chainsaw / endtables and lamps 271-2311
  10. windsurf boards / canoes / red ryder bb gun 590-5280
  11. Coates tireman tire changer $300 701-629-5722
  12. Want windows 7 Laptop  computer / Banjo $175 / Want 5 Hp lawnmower  361-6138

Monday, September 18, 2017

Call Log for 9/18/17

  1. Candle molds and supplies 217-9391
  2. 1990 Chevy 4x4 $5000 / El Camino Parts 267-7376
  3. Portable Humming bird fish finder $100 / Play pen $30 / Dog crate $50 509-939-5793
  4. 2 couches and an easy chair for free 269-9447
  5. riding chair $250 808-1146
  6. 80 Love Chevy pick up $1000 294-4842  / trumpets / shortwave radios 260-4810
  7. Cow for sale in quarters 271-9207
  8. Want Boston Fern / Want 36 inch wide door 271-1885
  9. 91 Chevy van needs new wiring $200 with title / 3 toyota camrys 1989 for parts $150 / 5th wheel $7500 / 1976 HD Shovelhead $5800 297-9370
  10. engine cherry picker needs new ram $25 / fiberglass skiff $25 / aluminum rims $75 / 16 foot sport boat with inboard $100 / Camper shell off 2003 Ford  260-3989
  11. Airless Paintsprayer / Shop heater 294-7197
  12. 1994 Capri Classic new breaks and hoses $1200 707-0745
  13. Woodchipper 5 HP / 2005 Dodge Caravan $2000 271-2244
  14. Full size couch $100 / 02 Cadillac $2800 270-0786
  15. riding chair Electric $200 808-1146
  16. Ford F250 with a 5 spd comes with a tranny $500 217-7594

Friday, September 15, 2017

Call Log for 9/15/17

  1. Dorm fridge $75 / Fridge $100 735-4293
  2. Want to rent small house or cabin in Bandon for around $600 347-8249
  3. 27 Foot 5th wheel $1000 / Maple table / Airless spray271-2859
  4. Yard sale all weekend trolling motors china wine glasses lots and lots / Free carpet / 4 wheeler eagle 110 needs clutch fixed / 26 foot sea ray make offer / roll top desk / up cape Arago 64532 Dueling rd turn at the flea market 217-9646

  1. Fridge for sale $20 / ping pong table and swimming pool for sale / want house 3 bedroom in CB and NB for $1000 260-4007
  2. Computer desk $25 / Office chair $42 / want Boston Fern / want Screen door for 36 inch wide 271-1885
  3. Yard sale on Sunday 2808 Sheridan ave in NB 10 to whenever
  4. garage sale Carpentry tools, smokers, appliances and more 1 block of n jetty rd 4723 Horizon way make offers
  5. 2 couches / ez chair 269-9447
  6. 1990 Chevy 4x4 short wide bed $5000 / 79 El Camino parts 267-7376
  7. Adj metal cane $15 / nes blood pressure machine $10 / foot cream $10 / Clapper $13 271-1885
  8. 1986 Gold wing 1200 runs great $2500 271-1628

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Call Log for 9/14/17

  1. 2  Big blocks for sale $40 each / new chair $45 / Oak twin bed 290-9609
  2. Vintage RC airplane complete with instructions $25 267-7706
  3. Chevy Van 1991 rough body and wiring $200 / 3 toyo Camrys / 5th wheel homestead 27 foot $7500 297-9370
  4. Camp trailer $1600 / boat motor $150 / utility trailer $300 / aluminum windows 670-6625
  5. 1990 4x4 short wide bed $5000 / 79 El camino Parts 267-7376
  6. Fridge for sale / Looking for 3 bedroom house in CB-NB Area 260-4007
  7. 27 Foot 5th wheel travel trailer $1000 271-2859
  8. Florence having a garage sale on Horizon way 9-4 4723 Horizon way
  9. Trumpet $75 / Shortwave radio$100 260-4810 Chevy love 294-4842
  10. Want Toyota 4 wheel drive pick up $4000 budget 709-1005
  11. Firewood for free with some labor 271-9207
  12. 1997 Ford Club van automatic $3800 404-7209
  13. 10 Foot Survival Raft with Evinrude motor $375 503-502-7155
  14. Want Boston Fern / metal cane $19 / Blood Pressure cuff / thermometer / clapper in Box $13 271-1885

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Call Log for 9/13/17

  1. Want permanent rental in Bandon Coq Langlois areas prefer rural 347-8249 karen
  2. 5th wheels 32 foot in decent shape call for pricing  / firewood / bicycle / 95 GMC for parts no tranny / Sleigh bed $100 991-7443
  3. 830 Myrtle in Reedsport / kids hope chest / table saw $25 / loveseat $25 / bicycles and parts / recliner $25 / Free stuff 361-6016
  4. Chromecast audio $25 / Want moving boxes 260-1360
  5. 79 El camino for parts / 1990 4x4 Chevy Pick up $5000 267-7376
  6. Water skis new $150 / new master craft $500 315-6781
  7. LT250 R for sale or swap for sports bike with extra engine / 260-5050
  8. bunch of receiver hitches / mobility scooters need some work / truck boom with Hydraulic $30 671-1781
  9. 27 Foot 5th wheel travel trailer $1300 / Maple dining table $75 / airless sprayer $50 / handy man jack 271-2859
  10. 2003 5th wheel with tip out $7500 / 3 junked out toyo camrys $150 / 297-9370
  11. 260-4810 for trumpet / short wave radio / 1980 Chevy Love pick up $1000 294-4842
  12. Meat thermometer / Marshmallow toaster $15 / Smores kit $15 / Want Boston Fern and screen door 36 inches wide 271-1885
  13. Jetboat 22.6 long inboard motor all Aluminum $20,000 / Cat dozer crawler John Deere 550 brakes need worked on $20,000 / 87 Subaru Samurai 366-1121
  14. 10 foot Zodiak boat $375 503-502-7155
  15. Bunches of stuff for sale call for details and pricing 260-4007
  16. Used Galaxy S5 $275 217-8630
  17. Want laptop Computer in Reedsport and want 2 bedroom house or duplex / Want rainbow vacuum 361-6138

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Call Log for 9/12/17

  1. chetco bar fire curry cert 662-0339
  2. 87 LT250R bike with extra engine never fired up $2600 or trade / ford 8 lug tires / leveling lift kit / 72 tractor $2000 260-5050
  3. Evinrude boat motor $150 / utility trailer / windows / 16 foot camp trailer 670-6625
  4. Curio cabinet 271-5450
  5. Bike Trailer $60 / Egg crates 294-9212
  6. Lost dog male 40 inches tall and 90 lbs. black and white goes my Zuki. Lost in Mingus park area 698-0700 or 329-9492
  7. Mobility chairs $350 each / rock polisher $150 / swivel boom for truck $50 / assorted ez lift plug in receivers 671-1781
  8. 27 foot 5th wheel travel trailer / handy man jack $50 271-2859
  9. 4 person hot tub free needs heating element / 8 laying hens / want electric fence box and ladder rack for 01 Chevy Silverado 551-5151

Monday, September 11, 2017

Call Logs for 9/11/17

  1. 89 Chevy Suburban lifted $800 clean title 290-0705
  2. 2 fridges and freezers / dryer 266-9885
  3. 27 foot 5th wheel $1300 handy man jack / maple dining table 271-2859
  4. Nordic track $200 / 12 foot aluminum boat comes with extras $2100 662-2610
  5. Twin Mattresses $20 297-0543
  6. 79 Gregor with merc motor $2000 / 5th wheel hitch  $200 991-9626
  7. 3 Toyota Camrys 88-89-?? $100 each / Chevy Van $200 / Homestead Tip out 5th wheel $7500 / Harley Davidsons for sale $5900 each 297-9370
  8. Rare oval curio cabinet $175 271-5450
  9. 1990 Chevy 4x4 short wide $5000 / 79 El Camino parts 267-7376
  10. boat motor / aluminum windows / camp trailer 670-6625
  11. Garage cleanout sale 260-4007
  12. Cedar notched fence boards $550 266-9742
  13. Want boston Fern 271-1885
  14. 1000 North 8th street Spc 52 in Reedsport with bunches for sale 707-0404
  15. Want size 16 5 lug tire in any condition 3 would be great 217-9201
  16. 12 foot alum boat with Honda motor and brand new trailer / pellet stove needs igniter$550 662-2610
  17. 1958 Ford bronco with title needs work $1500 701-629-5722
  18. 4 wheeler for sale or trade 260-5050
  19. Want 2 bedroom house to rent $550 budget / Want Laptop Computer / Want Rainbow Vacuum cleaner 361-6138
  20. Want Air filter for Chainsaw / Canopy for truck $100 / tables for sale 271-2311
  21. 2001 Minivan does not run needs fuel flushed and new driver side window $200 252-8152

Friday, September 8, 2017

Call Log for 9/8/17

  1. 4 wheeler and extra engine $2600 looking to trade also 260-5050
  2. 1990 4x4 Short wide bed auto $5000 / 79 El Camino parts 267-7376
  3. Garage sale 8-3 today and Sat 2438 Arthur drive in Reedsport 271-0548
  4. Cedar notched fence board $600 266-9742 or 260-7881
  5. 94 Kawasaki Vulcan needs a battery $400 / cords of Mixed $175 808-0898
  6. Chevy Van 1993 for parts has had water problems 350 Chevy motor $200 / 76 Shovelhead Harley $5800 / Starcraft 5th wheel 27 foot with tip out $7500 297-9370
  7. Stihl Weed eater 271-0699
  8. Comics for sale $50 252-1619
  9. Reedsport Lasagna and dance fundraiser Sat at the Eagles Lodge 999-7628
  10. Recliners $30 each / Want queen size bed frame 294-3399
  11. trumpet $75 / / Short Wave radio $50 260-4810 or 1980 Chevy Love 294-4842
  12. grillmaster propane BBQ stainless steel $10 294-2743
  13. 800 Watt power inverter $100 707-0545
  14. Aluminum Camper shell  / want air cleaner cover for chainsaw / dresser and end tables for sale 271-2311
  15. Hospital bed electric with memory foam pad and trapeze bar $150 662-0937
  16. 97 Ford Club van Auto $3800 / 25 table tops / floor model mixer 404-7209
  17. Want Boston fern / Clapper $10  271-1885
  18. City wide Sale in Florence
  19. Burnt motor home with engine $300 OBO 290-5324
  20. ford 8 lug polished alloys $350 or trade for dirt bike / farm tractor gas no issues $2000 260-5050

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Call Log for 9/7/17

  1. Want laptop / Want rainbow vacuum with all attachments /361-6138
  2. 1990 chevy 4x4 $5000 / 79 el Camino Parts 267-7376
  3. 16 Foot comfort camp trailer $1600 / dump bed trailer / boat motor / windows 670-6625
  4. 94 Chevy Camaro 6 cyl auto $2800 420-0816
  5. Grill master Propane BBQ no propane tank  $10 / Lawnmower engine $5 / PS2 games $10 294-2743
  6. 27 Foot 5th wheel travel trailer $1500 / maple table / handyman car jack $30 271-2859
  7. Want stove range with glass top inserts 31X21 / Want 89-91 Ford F250 Diesel 7.3 260-3989
  8. Harley Davidson 1981 Shovelhead / Starcraft 5th wheel $795 297-9370
  9. want RV reasonably Priced 707-0404
  10. Rocker Recliner / lounger / single bed $100 808-2311
  11. Shout out Lower Umpqua hospital having a fundraiser at the eagles dinner and dancing

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Call Log for 9/6/17

  1. Want Air filter Cover for Chainsaw / Aluminum Canopy for pick up / Misc furniture 271-2311
  2. 1990 shortwide bed Chevy pick up 4x4 $5000 / 79 El Camino parts 267-7376
  3. 94 Kawasaki Vulcan $350 808-0898
  4. Utility Trailer $300 / 16 foot camper trailer $1500  670-6625
  5. 2011 Toyota Carolla LE Original owners 26,000 $8500 759-4851
  6. Trumpet $75 260-4810 / 1980 Chevy Love pick up $1000 294-4842
  7. 27 foot 5th wheel travel trailer $1500 / Maple dining table $100 / Wagner sprayer $50 / Handyman jack $30 271-2859
  8. 1999 Crown vick trade for Pick up 297-6586
  9. 2005 Dodge caravan $2000 / dune buggy rebuilt motor $1500 662-0357
  10. want hospital bed 297-6586
  11. 5th wheel hitch / 17 foot canoe / Cricket for scrap booking 294-9713
  12. Motor home parts $200 290-5324
  13. Hospice has beds
  14. Large swimming pool / ping pong table / want house for rent 3 bedroom under $1000 in CB/NB 260-4007
  15. Amana Washer $60 294-2743
  16. 87 Suzuki Samurai / 22 foot jet boat $20,000 / John Deere Crawler with 6 way blade $20,000 366-1121

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Call Log for 9/5/17

  1. Sherwood 100 Watt Receiver $60 / Pulsar Generator $200 756-4470
  2. 2005 Dodge grand caravan $2000 / Dune buggy $1500 271-2244 or 662-0357
  3. LC 250 R with new motor want to trade for 4 stroke Sprts Quad 260-5050
  4. Meat Wrap machine and 3 rolls of film $400 for all 662-0241
  5. 1990 4x4 shortwide pick up truck $5000 / 79 el camino for parts 267-7376
  6. Suzuki Samurai 1987 with lots of extras $5000 / Jetboat $20,000 / John Deere Cat Crawler $20,000 366-1121
  7. Starcraft homestead 27 foot tip out 5th wheel $800 / 81 Harley Davidson $6000 297-9370
  8. Want rental in Reedsport or NB 590-5280 have pets
  9. Trumpet $75 / 1980  Chevy Love 4x4 Pick up $1000 no trades 260-4810 for the truck 294-4842
  10. Camper canopy with tinted windows / Want Air cleaner cover for chainsaw / end tables and lamps for sale 271-2311
  11. 10 foot Heavy duty boat 503-502-7155
  12. records for sale 217-6407
  13. New in the box Clapper $13 / Adjustable cane $15 / Sony Walkman $10 271-1885
  14. Chilton’s Repair Manual $10 297-6482
  15. double Axle boat trailer with fiberglas boat $1500 290-1007

Friday, September 1, 2017

Call Log for 9/1/17

  1. 97 Ford Van $3800 / Misc restaurant Eqp 404-7209
  2. Want Air cover for chainsaw Husquvarna 2100 / Aluminum Camper shell for truck / maple dresser / Want paddle board to borrow or rent 271-2311
  3. Trumpet $75 / Chevy Love 1980 $1000 260-4810
  4. VW Dune buggy With bad steering box $2000 or trade 662-0357 or 271-
  5. Want rental CB/NB Looking for odd jobs 217-9518 or 217-5453
  6. 2003 27 foot 5th wheel with tip out  $7500 / 76 Harley Davidson Shovel head / want transmission for PT Cruiser 297-9370
  7. Adjustable cane $15 / Blood pressure cuff $10 / Thermometer / foot cream $8 / Clapper in the box $13 271-1885
  8. 90 4x4 Shortwide bed pick up $5000 / 79 El camino parts 267-7376
  9. Yard sale 645 corner of dozal and dueling / Fiberglass boat 25 HP motor $800 / 3 wheeler $300 217-9646
  10. Chilton truck and van manual 82-88 $10 297-6482
  11. Go cart $500 / Sleigh bed King size / GMC truck  991-7443
  12. 15 inch 5 lug 4 rim $20 / trailer hitch smaller and adjustable $25 217-6344
  13. yard sale 1200 Valron rd in Lakeside down from the lions club 9-5 Sat and Sun
  14. 4 wheeler LT 250R / new engine also for sale 260-5050