Friday, July 29, 2016

KJMX Public Market Call Log 7-29-16

  1. game 294-1273
  2. 2001 Yamaha Blaster $1600 503-502-7155
  3. Cape Blanco Wristband $100 267-8384 or 435-4650
  4. Travel Trailer for Storage Free 217-7242
  5. Yard sale on 282 Winchester Ave in Reedsport 9-?
  6. Martin Compound Bow $120 590-5280
  7. Skunkhollow sale is cancelled this week
  8. Air compressor $125 / 4 bikes $50-$100 991-7443
  9. Van to trade for Motorhome $2500 / Fishbowls / boat motors 267-5218
  10. Dump trailer frame $150 / AMS pro Fuel pump / Premium Douglas Fir 808-4411
  11. Collection for sale hotwheels and matchbox 297-7355
  12. For sale 1960 tractor restored with 3 attachments $6000 / Want older dodge 4x4 with Cummins motor 290-9940
  13. 16 foot coleman canoe with paddles $200 290-6330
  14. 95 Ford f150 4 wd with 302 engine needs torqe 260-7720
  15. 6x6 posts 315-5680
  16. tan couch set with pillow tops $30 and $20 217-1779
  17. truck for sale 208-968-6536

Thursday, July 28, 2016

KJMX Public Market Call Log 7/28/16

  1. Large clothes for sale 32 inch storm door $39 271-1885
  2. mannequin legs $10 808-2311
  3. Hay for $4 a bale 252-1602 or 297-1787 Gocart $300 / Accordion $75 / boat with motor $3000
  4. 94 Chevy Van / tool box $125 / boat motors 267-5218
  5. 3 spd woman’s bike / ladies golf clubs $35 / want canning jars / 2 night stands 361-6138
  6. 1960’s tractor restored to new condition with 3 attachments $6000 / want older Dodge 4x4 290-9940
  7. Furniture and household items for sale 404-0205
  8. Chevy sm. block headers and chrome timing cover / yard sale off 101 in gardiner 808-0416 or 982-9334
  9. Want Washing machine large capacity 271-3563
  10. 2000 Jeep grand chrokee Laredo $2950 503-502-7155
  11. calling for plywood 290-1140
  12. call back
  13. 2000 Yamaha Blaster with extras $1400 503-502-7155
  14. 94 Chevy van $2500 or trade  267-5218
  15. 22 foot flat bed trailer $850 759-1010

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Public Market Call & Email Log List July 27th, 2016

  1. Never Used 10 Inch Table Saw 217- 8630
  2. Tandem Axle Trailer with Ramps to drive a cabota on 16 FT 267 -7376
  3. Trailer for 32 ft Bayliner – 541 409 -7303
  4. Clothes for Sale – 541 -271- 1885
  5. Small Block Header off Camero – Yard Sale Gardiner 101 in Mounds,  808 -0416 982 -9334
  6. 1994 Chevy Van – Or Trade for Dodge Motor Home – 267 5218
  7. Fuel Pump – 229 New – 80 Dollars for it 808 -4411
  8. Washer and Dryer $80, Cell phone Amp, 269-2325 Shawn
  9. Tow Truck For Sale – Ford – Sticker Machine - $225 541 662 0357 Reedsport
  10. Suzuki 1987 Model $5000 366-1121
  11. Army Field Pack – Large $20
  12. Brush Runs – Jim – 269 -9012
  13. Formal Cub Tractor – Rebuilt $6000 290 -9940
  14. WANT to buy older dodge diesel dodge 290 -9940
  15. Garage Sale 282 Winchester Ave Reedsport – 9 – 4am
  16. Baby Ducklings – Baby Mascobi Ducks – 294 -6854
  17. GE Microwave – 294 -6854
  18. Want house to rent in Coos Bay 260 -4007
  19. Coffee Table – Grey And White - $75 719- 924- 9333
  20. Small Table – Seaweed and Starfish - Jules  719- 924- 9333

First Name: bill

Day Phone: 541-347-1110

Item(s): want to buy nice skill saw 100 mile any direction from Bandon

First Name: Lee

Day Phone: 510 913 0172

Item(s): Uniden Home patrol scanner.It has a touch screen and all  accesories, including the G.P.S antenna. One year old. I paid $550.oo asking $275.00.Next time you hear a siren go by you will know whats happening

First Name: Richard at Voellinger & Hill CPAs

Day Phone: 541.267.7119

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

KJMX Public Market Call Log 7/26/16

  1. Want trailer 267-7376
  2. sm block Chevy headers and chrome timing cover 808-0416 or  923-9334
  3. Martin compound bow $120 590-5280
  4. 98 Ford Escort 2 door 5 spd manual $800 1988 Ford Tow Truck with diesel engine $2700 / large pond fish / 662-0357
  5. Hay $4 a bale 252-1602 or 297-1787
  6. Want a gorilla / shirts and pants for sale 271-1885
  7. brush hauling, weeding and yard work Jim 269-9012
  8. Want lawn mower riding for parts 290-0679
  9. Want donated or 266-0547
  10. 94 Chevy van ½ ton $25oo or trade / marine radio $50 / toolbox diamond plate $125 / fishing poles 267-5218
  11. Women’s golf bag and caddy $35 / want 3 spd woman’s bike / Want canning jars / 2 end tables $25 361-6138
  12. 2 12 hp craftsman riding mowers don’t run need work /150 foot roll of wire mesh for concrete $20 551-5151
  13. call back
  14. Want older Dodge pick up 4WD with low miles 290-9940

Thursday, July 21, 2016

KJMX Public Market Call Log 7/21/16

  1. Want direct tv satellite dish 206-1566
  2. Mahjong for PC 294-1273
  3. Fir for sale $12 / 1/8 cord $20 call for pricing and amounts 808-4411
  4. call back
  5. Apartment needs house plants 404-4572
  6. Antique China Cabinet $150 267-7706
  7. Want flagstone – want old gutters / want soil / want parts for an old fountain / for sale 21 foot flat bed trailer $850 759-1010
  8. Want automatic transmission 260-4810
  9. Stuff for sale in Bandon / Want shed 294-1705
  10. 93 GMC Truck with V6 Motor 4WD $1000 OBO 751-1599  or 252-0172
  11. Whirlpool washing machine $150 294-3802
  12. 1998 Ford Escort 2 door $800 / Tow truck 88 Ford $3000 trade for motorcycle or motor home 662-0357
  13. Sword cane handle looks like 50 caliber / copper frying pan $18 271-1885
  14. 94 Chevy Van $2500 / tool box $125 267-5218
  15. 15 HP Merc $500 / Headboard for qn size make offer / fishing pole 252-9233
  16. Custom land sailer $1000 / want olde503-502-7155
  17. Pressure Washer $175 808-2589
  18. 08 side by side fridge $300 / Military tent $$500 294-0329
  19. Alliance Trailer $2500 in great shape 271-5313

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

KJMX Public Market Call Log 7/20/16

  1. Want house plants in NB 404-4572
  2. Cricket Cell $75 OBO 252-6898
  3. Want 2 bedroom house / bikes for sale 991-7443
  4. Warner Ladder $25 / Greico airless paint sprayer $150 / Aquarium with all the extras $50 / Singer sewing machine 510-219-0599
  5. 94 Chevy Van $2500 / diamond plate tool box / 267-5218
  6. 16 foot flatbed trailer needs deck $300 / Treadmill $50 808-0274
  7. Yard Sale in Florence 6291 Skunk hollow road pass the Casino benches bird baths plants and household items Sat 9-4 541-991-6610
  8. 21 foot trailer with deck $800 OBO Want old rain gutters, Pond liners / ‘759-1010
  9. Pressure wash service 269-2325
  10. Oxygen tanks make offer / 90s Yukon for sale 999-7327
  11. Oak dining room Table $499 271-1885
  12. Want canning jars 294-2395
  13. boat seats 559-618-1411
  14. Want fruit trees / want 3 bedroom house to rent under $1000 / want bagged electric mower 260-4007
  15. box of beads for sale $150 662-1151 or 271-6837
  16. 93 GMC Sonoma with Air shocks $1200 252-0172 or 751-1599
  17. set of tires 175-75-14s and 185-70-13s $50 each / Firewood mix $120 a cord 260-3989
  18. Want used tires 195-65-15s 981-0139

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

KJMX Public Market Call Log 7/19/16

  1. Want direct tv satellite dish 206-1566
  2. Mahjong for PC 294-1273
  3. Fir for sale $12 / 1/8 cord $20 call for pricing and amounts 808-4411
  4. call back
  5. Apartment needs house plants 404-4572
  6. Antique China Cabinet $150 267-7706
  7. Want flagstone – want old gutters / want soil / want parts for an old fountain / for sale 21 foot flat bed trailer $850 759-1010
  8. Want automatic transmission 260-4810
  9. Stuff for sale in Bandon / Want shed 294-1705
  10. 93 GMC Truck with V6 Motor 4WD $1000 OBO 751-1599  or 252-0172
  11. Whirpool washing machine $150 294-3802
  12. 1998 Ford Escort 2 door $800 / Tow truck 88 Ford $3000 trade for motorcycle or motorhome 662-0357
  13. Sword cane handle looks like 50 caliber / copper frying pan $18 271-1885
  14. 94 Chevy Van $2500 / tool box $125 267-5218
  15. 15 HP Merc $500 / Headboard for qn size make offer / fishing pole 252-9233
  16. Custom land sailer $1000 / want olde503-502-7155
  17. Pressure Washer $175 808-2589
  18. 08 side by side fridge $300 / Military tent $$500 294-0329
  19. Alliance Trailer $2500 in great shape 271-5313

Monday, July 18, 2016

Public Market Call & Email Log for July 18th, 2016

  1. Tractor Sprayer - $300 503 -932- 1629
  2. Dodge Dakota 541-590 -5291
  3. 3 inch Gold Drudge - $2500 – 3 Week old Ducks – GE white Microwave – 541 294 -6854
  4. New Wave Oven - $40, 16 Cubic Feet Upright Freezer 541- 404-9784
  5. Tama Drums – $1100 or Trade for Quad 541-982- 0103
  6. Large Wooden Dog House $50 541 808-7561
  7. WANT Old Gutters  759 – 1010
  8. 21 Ft flat bed trailer  759 – 1010
  9. Chainsaw $100 OBO – Set of Chrome of Lowrider Fenders for Bike. Antique Automobile – OBO – Remotes for TV’s and Beer Glasses – Radio Shows – Best Offer –
  10.  Want oild heating tank – 269 -7328
  11. WANT free house plants – 541 404-4572
  12. Pedestal Table – 4 Chairs with Leaf - $550 541 271- 1885
  13. Generator 396- 4104396- 4104
  14. Fiberglass fifth wheel $13, 500
  15. 2009 Diesel PU -  396- 4104
  16. 1994 Chevy Van – Fishing Poles  267 -5218
  17. Gardening Services, Errands, odd jobs  541 999-6375
  18. WANT compost 541 -269- 9012 


First Name: Vanessa

Day Phone: 5412171135

Item(s): Selling Cargo Bike

 I have lead for sale ,melted down from tire weights..
     10- 15 lb. slabs  $.75 lb
     2 LB cannon balls  $3.00 ea1LB. cannon balls  $1.50 ea.
     misc. pieces of lead  $.90 lb
    3oz.jigs      $.75 ea.   4oz  jigs       $.95ea.
     2 -6lb coated diving weights $1.50lb.. 2-8lb.$1.50lb..
     1-75LB danforth anchor $250.00 1-13 LB.$30.
     5lb.solder lead 40/60 never opened can $25.00
     misc  fishing reels.. ??????
     trades considered all offers considered..
             thank you       wess...    541 348 2277

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW 5th Wheel Hitch with rails.
16k capacity. L&L rocker, Good Condition $199.00

First Name: Vanessa

Day Phone: 5412171135

Item(s): Selling Cargo Bike

First Name: lester

Day Phone: 5412689946

Item(s) & Description(s): scott riding lawnmower made by john deere 42 inch deck perfect condition. 600 dollars firm

First Name: terry

Day Phone: 5419990845

Item(s) & Description(s): 1976 20 ft.sabre craft inboard outboard valve job 2300 dollars.

I am rehoming 5 young parakeets each with new cages $25 each.
Please help me find good homes for them.

First Name: Ray

Day Phone: 541-404-5178

Item(s): ford 7.3 idi diesel with banks turbo, engine is apart,has  new glow plug controller. 500.00 for all 541-404-5178

First Name: Don

Day Phone: 541-217-5272

Item(s) & Description(s): 16" trailer with trailer breakes.needs a deck $300obo.treadmill in excellent shape $65

First Name: roelin

Day Phone: 5414351212

Item(s) & Description(s): looking for (iso) 20x10-8 chevron/ stryker tires for riding lawn mower

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Public Market Call & Email Log List July 14th, 2016

  1. Dresser, couch, Foot stool  759 -3303
  2. Radio with 2 Speakers – Record Player 808-1146
  3. Windows and Doors for Sale -$500 OBO 267-8368
  4. Fifth Wheel For Sale – 2009 Dodge Diesel 4 by 4 10 HP 396- 4104
  5. Camp Trailer For Free – 541 260-3300
  6. Whirlpool Washer – Kenmore Dryer  541 294 -3802
  7. Couch with Double Recliner $55  217 -8615
  8. Entertainment Center $55  217 -8615
  9. Entertainment Center $45 217- 8615
  10. Recliner 541 -217- 8615
  11. 1996 Ford PU - $1500 – 808-0898
  12. Randy – FREE houseplants – 6-10 plants 404-4572
  13. Camping Stuff – 267-5218

First Name: roelin

Day Phone: 5414351212

Item(s) & Description(s): looking for (iso) 20x10-8 chevron/ stryker tires for riding lawn mower

First Name: Richard

Day Phone: 541-439-3438

Item(s): 20 ft Softpool, no frame needed, easy set-up w/filter & pump $125.Treadmill, great shape, folds for storage,$110. 2006, 32 ft Cardinal bunkhouse 5th wheel,used 3 times, no S/pets, looks & smells new$24,750 439-3438

First Name: MORGAN

Day Phone: 5412673726


First Name: Patrick jones

Day Phone: 5412674185

Item(s): 4 wheels for sale. style Amp sixer. 6 lug.Size18x8.5, hub 72.6mm. black finish paint and machine lip very nice. $300....$900 new

First Name: Faye

Day Phone: 5412061566

Item(s): 4 square crab cages all set up to use $50.00. Health will not allow me to use anymore they have the rope and bait bags with them

First Name: Sheri

Day Phone: 541-756-2774

Item(s): 15 jars that have 8 packets for toilet deodorant for motorhomes. Misc. plastic pipes, 50 amp convert to 30 amp pigtail. $50.00

First Name: steve

Day Phone: 541 808 0416   541 982 9334

Item(s) & Description(s): set of sm. block chevy headers. fits late 60's chevy cars.$60 o.b.o.
chrome timing cover for a sm. block chevy.$20 o.b.o. 110 craftsman stick welder. works good. $40 o.b.o.

First Name: jenelle

Day Phone: 5414046927

Item(s) & Description(s): I have a samsung galaxy grand prime with a charger for $50 or best offer its thru cricket

First Name: Sue

Day Phone: 5417566855

Item(s): 2 book cases, has 2 shelves with glass sliding doors. 34 inches high, 36 inches wide. $100.00 for both.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric adjustable Bed,double size (full) Golden Technologies.
Has vibrator,

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW 16k 5th Wheel w/rails, Good Condition. $100.99 Call Dan 541.290.8860

First Name: jacque

Day Phone: 5412900235

Item(s): looking for a good freezer.  with a good seal.

2 heavy duty  4 drawer vertical/upright filing cabinets in good condition  $40 for both
2 large fish totes complete with lid, good condition. $75 each  $125 both… Will need truck to transport
Call 541-347-1568

First Name: Rob

Day Phone: 5412902129

Item(s) & Description(s): We have a 16 cubic foot upright freezer for 130 obo also 8 drawer dresser for 20$ Thank You Dez And Mike going Tuna fishing.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric Adjustable Bed.
Golden Technologies.

Model 4101FB, Vibrator control

Wanted early Ford V8 core 289 or 302 need no run but complete.

First Name: Ray

Day Phone: 541-404-5178

Item(s): I need 2 young mallard hens 541-404-5178

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW 5th Wheel for truck. I have rails.
16k L&L Rocker
Good Condition.

First Name: Joseph

Day Phone: 541-361-0622

Item(s) & Description(s): 1998 lifted black Toyota Tacoma.  It has a winch, and 35's.  $6900 OBO

Senco deck screw gun includes carrying case & instructions
Like new, used for one project $175.00  (Was $280 new)
Senco drywall screwgun, great condition $75.00
Call 541-347-1568

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Public Market Call & Email List For July 13th, 2016!

  1. DVD play with Remote $10
  2. Radio with 2 Speakers – Record Player 808-1146
  3. Mid Engine - $5000 OBO 217-0066
  4. Men’s Coats, $25 297-5033
  5. Down Comforter – Full Queen 297-5033
  6. Myrtle Wood and Fir Mix – 269-2325
  7. 2002 Fifth Wheel Manaco - $13, 500
  8. 4 ft Brush Hog – 396-4104
  9. 17 Ft Camper Trailer – Carpeted, New Lights, 888-6695

  10. 10 Inch Copper $18 271 1885
  11.  Trailer Frame For Sale - $200 – 991-7443
  12. American Racing Wheels – 297-7355
  13. Nascar Stuff – 297-7355
  14. Car Magazines 297-7355
  15.  Dog Crate -  294 9212
  16. Tow Truck – Best Offer – 541 662 0357
  17.  Trailer Frame For Sale - $200 – 991-7443
  18. Tent Trailer for Trailer 44 Ft – King couch – 271 5313
  19. 22 ft flat bed trailer - $850 –759-1010

First Name: Sheri

Day Phone: 541-756-2774

Item(s): 15 jars that have 8 packets for toilet deodorant for motorhomes. Misc. plastic pipes, 50 amp convert to 30 amp pigtail. $50.00

First Name: Morgan

Day Phone: 5412673726

Item(s): wanted 4 egg laying chickens

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW Fifth wheel, L&L rocker, rails included. in good condition. $199.00 Call 541.290.8860

First Name: Mark

Day Phone: 3602206300

Item(s) & Description(s): Hi Desiree. I met you at the farmermarket last weekend. I think I'm in love (-:  I also have firewood for sale at 80 bucks a pickup load. Buyers must haul their own firewood. Thanks

First Name: steve

Day Phone: 541 808 0416   541 982 9334

Item(s) & Description(s): set of sm. block chevy headers. fits late 60's chevy cars.$60 o.b.o.
chrome timing cover for a sm. block chevy.$20 o.b.o. 110 craftsman stick welder. works good. $40 o.b.o.

First Name: jenelle

Day Phone: 5414046927

Item(s) & Description(s): I have a samsung galaxy grand prime with a charger for $50 or best offer its thru cricket

First Name: Sue

Day Phone: 5417566855

Item(s): 2 book cases, has 2 shelves with glass sliding doors. 34 inches high, 36 inches wide. $100.00 for both.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric adjustable Bed,double size (full) Golden Technologies.
Has vibrator,

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW 16k 5th Wheel w/rails, Good Condition. $100.99 Call Dan 541.290.8860
First Name: jacque

Day Phone: 5412900235

Item(s): looking for a good freezer.  with a good seal.

2 heavy duty  4 drawer vertical/upright filing cabinets in good condition  $40 for both
2 large fish totes complete with lid, good condition. $75 each  $125 both… Will need truck to transport
Call 541-347-1568

First Name: Rob

Day Phone: 5412902129

Item(s) & Description(s): We have a 16 cubic foot upright freezer for 130 obo also 8 drawer dresser for 20$ Thank You Dez And Mike going Tuna fishing.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric Adjustable Bed.
Golden Technologies.

Model 4101FB, Vibrator control

Wanted early Ford V8 core 289 or 302 need no run but complete.

First Name: Ray

Day Phone: 541-404-5178

Item(s): I need 2 young mallard hens 541-404-5178

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Public Market Call and Email Log - July 12th, 2016

  1. DVD play with Remote $10
  2. Radio with 2 Speakers – Record Player 808-1146
  3. Mid Engine - $5000 OBO 217-0066
  4. Men’s Coats, $25 297-5033
  5. Down Comforter – Full Queen 297-5033
  6. Myrtle Wood and Fir Mix – 269-2325
  7. 2002 Fifth Wheel Manaco - $13, 500
  8. 4 ft Brush Hog – 396-4104
  9. 17 Ft Camper Trailer – Carpeted, New Lights, 888-6695

  10. 10 Inch Copper $18 271 1885
  11.  Trailer Frame For Sale - $200 – 991-7443
  12. American Racing Wheels – 297-7355
  13. Nascar Stuff – 297-7355
  14. Car Magazines 297-7355
  16.  Trailer Frame For Sale - $200 – 991-7443
  17. Tent Trailer for Trailer 44 Ft – King couch – 271 5313

First Name: Sheri

Day Phone: 541-756-2774

Item(s): 15 jars that have 8 packets for toilet deodorant for motorhomes. Misc. plastic pipes, 50 amp convert to 30 amp pigtail. $50.00

First Name: Morgan

Day Phone: 5412673726

Item(s): wanted 4 egg laying chickens

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW Fifth wheel, L&L rocker, rails included. in good condition. $199.00 Call 541.290.8860

First Name: Mark

Day Phone: 3602206300

Item(s) & Description(s): Hi Desiree. I met you at the farmermarket last weekend. I think I'm in love (-:  I also have firewood for sale at 80 bucks a pickup load. Buyers must haul their own firewood. Thanks

First Name: steve

Day Phone: 541 808 0416   541 982 9334

Item(s) & Description(s): set of sm. block chevy headers. fits late 60's chevy cars.$60 o.b.o.
chrome timing cover for a sm. block chevy.$20 o.b.o. 110 craftsman stick welder. works good. $40 o.b.o.

First Name: jenelle

Day Phone: 5414046927

Item(s) & Description(s): I have a samsung galaxy grand prime with a charger for $50 or best offer its thru cricket

First Name: Sue

Day Phone: 5417566855

Item(s): 2 book cases, has 2 shelves with glass sliding doors. 34 inches high, 36 inches wide. $100.00 for both.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric adjustable Bed,double size (full) Golden Technologies.
Has vibrator,

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW 16k 5th Wheel w/rails, Good Condition. $100.99 Call Dan 541.290.8860
First Name: jacque

Day Phone: 5412900235

Item(s): looking for a good freezer.  with a good seal.

2 heavy duty  4 drawer vertical/upright filing cabinets in good condition  $40 for both
2 large fish totes complete with lid, good condition. $75 each  $125 both… Will need truck to transport
Call 541-347-1568

First Name: Rob

Day Phone: 5412902129

Item(s) & Description(s): We have a 16 cubic foot upright freezer for 130 obo also 8 drawer dresser for 20$ Thank You Dez And Mike going Tuna fishing.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric Adjustable Bed.
Golden Technologies.

Model 4101FB, Vibrator control

Wanted early Ford V8 core 289 or 302 need no run but complete.

First Name: Ray

Day Phone: 541-404-5178

Item(s): I need 2 young mallard hens 541-404-5178

Monday, July 11, 2016

Public Market Log July 11th, 2016

  1. Bike Parts – 361 - 6016
  2. WANT place for RV 28 Ft – Coos Bay – 252-5591
  3. WANT woman’s 3 speed bike – 361-6138
  4. Crap rings for sale 361-6138
  5. Want pint canning jars – 361-6138
  6. Gold Clubs – 361-6138
  7. 2008 Fridge, Military Tent, 294 -0329
  8. Standard Lumber Rack –294 0329
  9. WANT 225/60/15 294 -0329
  10. Free TV 260-9888 294- 0329
  11. Doberman Pincher – 1 509 929 0750
  12. VCR Player 808-1146
  13. Restored sand rail for Sale –  $5000 OBO 217-0066
  14. 20 ft Camper For Sale - $200 888-6695
  15. 294-9494
  16. 2 twin Bed $20 – 404-3259
  17. Almost Like New – Sears Kenmore BBQ – 707-321-1075 Lakeside
  18. 2009 Dodge Auto
  19. Fiberglass fifth Wheel – $13,500 396- 4104
  20. Murry Go – Cart $300
  21. Road master Bike 297-1787
  22. Mini Horses and Donkeys, Recliners, 269 -1604
  23. 1993 Ford Explorer - $400 971 -222-5923
  24. Saw Horses – Down Travel Size Pillows  $15 297 -5033
  25. 22 ft Flat Bed Trailer – Removable Scaffling  297 -5033


First Name: Sue

Day Phone: 5417566855

Item(s): 2 book cases, has 2 shelves with glass sliding doors. 34 inches high, 36 inches wide. $100.00 for both.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric adjustable Bed,double size (full) Golden Technologies.
Has vibrator,

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW 16k 5th Wheel w/rails, Good Condition. $100.99 Call Dan 541.290.8860

First Name: jacque

Day Phone: 5412900235

Item(s): looking for a good freezer.  with a good seal.

2 heavy duty  4 drawer vertical/upright filing cabinets in good condition  $40 for both
2 large fish totes complete with lid, good condition. $75 each  $125 both… Will need truck to transport
Call 541-347-1568

First Name: Rob

Day Phone: 5412902129

Item(s) & Description(s): We have a 16 cubic foot upright freezer for 130 obo also 8 drawer dresser for 20$ Thank You Dez And Mike going Tuna fishing.

First Name: Dennis

Day Phone: 541-269-7361

Item(s): Electric Adjustable Bed.
Golden Technologies.

Model 4101FB, Vibrator control

Wanted early Ford V8 core 289 or 302 need no run but complete.

First Name: Ray

Day Phone: 541-404-5178

Item(s): I need 2 young mallard hens 541-404-5178

First Name: Dan

Day Phone: 541.290.8860

Item(s): RBW 5th Wheel for truck. I have rails.
16k L&L Rocker
Good Condition.

First Name: Joseph

Day Phone: 541-361-0622

Item(s) & Description(s): 1998 lifted black Toyota Tacoma.  It has a winch, and 35's.  $6900 OBO

First Name: STEVE

Day Phone: 541 808 0416

Item(s) & Description(s): sm. block chevy headers, $60 o.b.o. chrome timing cover, $20 o.b.o.

Looking for a "type writer or self contained record player" in Coos By Area.

Elder relative lost his ability to speak due to Parkinson's Disease and we need a type writer for him to communicate.

Please call Blaine 541-404-6310
Thank you, 
Senior citizen on limited income Desperately needs help to move 27 ft 5th wheel from Bridge to Bandon ASAP. I will be living in it.  5412941705