Monday, June 7, 2021
Public Party Call Log 06-07-2021
bandon chain saw found 5412943247
Precision Scale in New Condition, absolutely nothing wrong it. $25 541-297-6482
Shawna 5412948823
gas bgenerator electric start 525$ and a set of tires 17 inch on wheels Ford bed extender, 5413964104
kermit has a honda water pump 700$ 5414048100
calle lillies and aoniums, wooden dowels, little chief smoker, iso scrap collector, 5418883648
iso little pickup, and trailer for friend and cans and bottles 2604007
people iso rental Bill NB needs 1 or 2 bdrm, have a young dog, 900$ or less on SSn 5414354846
iso doberman stud NB 5417565942
free glass jars, real estate books, tee post clips, Stainless kitchen sinks, table lamp base, 10$ and glass fishbowl, accordion, 5415720729
fifth wheel trailer needs to be hauled 2901140
67 firebird 326 4 bbl nice nice 30K$ 5412677376
moving this weekend, free stuff on road, 63782 Flnigan rd bunker hill 5412976482
Professionally framed, signed and numbered art print by Donny Finley. 541-297-0781
Friday, June 4, 2021
Public Party call Log 6-4-2021
yard sale on Powers hwy 8 to 5 mile 10 5412901454
farm fresh duck and chicken eggs n bay rd 5417563754 3doz 7$
iso jobs for my tiller fairview area, 5412529082
bandon have a twin mattress and box spring 50$ and piano and small microwave 25$ 3 HP ink cartriges Kodak 75$ 5412177074
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Public Party Call Log 6-3-2021
iso rent a camp trailer, 2945956 Jim
selling real nice table and chairs 5 40$ 1220 harris MP apt 3 5412948970
washer and dryer ge top load 1000$ chad bandon 8087874
large mens walker for sale 80$ 5418880846
dof by mill casino 5412949314 pitbull ROB
yard sale saturday 8 to 5 Powers Hwy 9.5 to 10 mile marker tools, 5412901454
67 firebird , 68 69 fenders 412677376
pilates machine 100$ 2 canvas lawnchairs w bags, 20$ and 10$ iso person to do upholster 7562116
iso invincible teardrop trailer and a 50s to 70s shrtbed 2wd 8082311
bandon items b twin box and matt piano microwave, 3 boxes of ld kodak bulk ink cartridges, 5412177074
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Public Party Call Log 6-2-2021
mculloch electric chain saw, circular saw, music system, 5413962599
swingline stapler, papercutter 15$ avon bottles, table lamp, canning jars, 5415720729
2019 harley heritage great shape, extra seat, 21k$ 2085537998
James for computer 5417562468
coffee table end tables , plant stand, cem plots, 5412174144
iso little pickup and a trailer and PU bottles and cans 2604007
little chief smoker 30$ cooker pots w lids 7 and 6 gal, aoniums and calle lillies, 5418883648
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Public Party Call Log 06-01-2021
mini home and a place to put it 2692325
aoniums and calle lillies, lead sinkers, 2 crab cooker pots, 7 gal and 6 for 15$ 5418883648
67 firebird NICE NICE NICE 30$ 2677376
Call 541-404-3265 (Danny) for more information.
Harley Heritage 114 engine 21k$ coos bay 2085537998
iso enclosed trailer 14 to 16 ft long 2676570 have
mens walker for big man 80$ or offer call debbie 8880846
chicago electric generator 525$ 3964104 and have a 3 point scraper 225$
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