Tuesday, October 31, 2017



Chest freezer, love seat, van seat, flat screen TV                              541-808-1146
1990 Chevy 4x4 short box, 79 El Camino parts car                          541-267-7376
Word presser, compressor,                                                                 541-662-1349
26’ Hitchhiker 5th wheel, 2004 cardinal 5th wheel, burn barrels,       541-991-7443
Wooden table & chairs, dresser, roaster oven, kid’s bike,                 541-294-9212
Dryer, girls bmx bike                                                                          541-808-0416
Washer, dryer, water heater                                                                541-662-2013
Mt. bike, fish,                                                                                      541-751-1599
Portable chicken coop                                                                         541-297-4996
Canopy, furniture,                                                                               541-271-2311
1933 bra cover front end of vehicle, maple dresser, canopy               541-271-2311
NEED stand up paddle board                                                              541-271-2311
NEED archery, camping equipment,                                                  541-590-5280
Estate sale 3336 So. Empire
2003 Starcraft 5th wheel, 8N tractor, post hole with disc, 92 van       541-297-9370
1981 Harley Davidson                                                                        541-297-9370
1926 Ford, manual tire changer, Ford parts,                                       701-629-5722
Halloween stuff,                                                                                  541-808-2311
NEED engine stand                                                                             541-297-4101
Starter sticks, delivering feed, wood etc.                                             541-808-4411
1990 GMC van parts, 1955 Ford parts, electric scooter,                     541-297-4101
2- bus stop sheds for kids etc.                                                              541-290-6078
NEED candy for trunk and treat at Mc Kay’s,

Monday, October 30, 2017



Yard sale 832 North Morrison noon-6                                            541-808-1146
Halloween stuff,                                                                              541-808-2311
2003 Starcraft 5th wheel, 8N tractor, post hole with disc,               541-297-9370
1976 Harley Davidson,                                                                    541-297-9370
NEED engine stand                                                                         541-297-4101
Starter sticks, delivering feed, wood etc.                                         541-808-4411
1990 GMC van parts, 1955 Ford parts, electric scooter,                 541-297-4101
2- bus stop sheds for kids etc.                                                          541-290-6078
NEED candy for trunk and treat at Mc Kay’s,
VW sand rail,                                                                                   541-662-0357
Exterior fiberglass door trade for generator,                                    541-297-7989
NEED someone to install windows and trim                                   541-297-4996
NEED 2 bedroom rental                                                                   541-252-6898
Sand rail frame, VW parts, mud tires, straight axels, baja bug        541-294-4363
NEED lift chair,                                                                                541-435-4944
Cargo trailer 4x8, arch welder, dobro,                                              541-751-1758
Chest freezer, love seat, van seat                                                      541-808-1146
NEED love birds, pair of cocktails,                                                  541-808-1146
Wooden table & chairs, dresser, roaster oven, kid’s bike,               541-294-9212
Trailer 6x10, 3500 generator,                                                           541-999-0149            
NEED hunting, camping, archery equipment                                  541-590-5280
Burn barrels, 1996 5th wheel,                                                           541-991-7443
1990 Chevy 4x4 short box, 79 El Camino parts car                        541-267-7376
Sail boards, row boats,                                                                     541-590-5280
Cleaning products, antique phone, spare tire carrier, oil’s, tools    541-913-1624
Canopy, furniture,                                                                           541-271-2311
1990 Jag, 2004 Harley Heritage,                                                    541-913-1624
NEED 195 xR15 tires,                                                                    503-573-7448
1933 bra cover front end of vehicle, maple dresser, canopy          541-271-2311
NEED stand up paddle board                                                         541-271-2311
Upright freezers, refrigerator, outdoor fire place                           541-266-9885
NEED interior doors, window frames                                           541-297-9820

Friday, October 27, 2017



Starter sticks, delivering feed, wood etc.                                        541-808-4411
1990 GMC van parts, 1955 Ford parts, electric scooter,                541-297-4101
2- bus stop sheds for kids etc.                                                         541-290-6078
NEED candy for trunk and treat at Ma Kay’s,
Exterior fiberglass door,                                                                 541-297-7989
NEED 2 bedroom home around Coos Bay                                     541-361-6138
2 bedroom Mobil in Reedsport for sale                                          541-361-6138
Sand rail frame, VW parts, mud tires, straight axels, baja bug       541-294-4363
NEED lift chair,                                                                              541-435-4944
Cargo trailer 4x8, arch welder, dobro,                                            541-751-1758
Chest freezer, love seat, van seat                                                    541-808-1146
NEED love birds, pair of cocktails,                                                541-808-1146
2003 Starcraft 5th wheel, 8N tractor, post hole with disc,               541-297-9370
1976 Harley Davidson,                                                                    541-297-9370
Wooden table & chairs, dresser, roaster oven, kid’s bike,              541-294-9212
Trailer 6x10, 3500 generator,                                                          541-999-0149            
NEED hunting, camping, archery equipment                                 541-590-5280
Burn barrels, 1996 5th wheel,                                                          541-991-7443
1990 Chevy 4x4 short box, 79 El Camino parts car                       541-267-7376
Sail boards, row boats,                                                                    541-590-5280
Cleaning products, antique phone, spare tire carrier, oil’s, tools   541-913-1624
Canopy, furniture,                                                                          541-271-2311
1990 Jag, 2004 Harley Heritage,                                                    541-913-1624
Coquille Carousel fund raiser @ the Egyptian theater 10/27/17
Coquille Carousel information 541-808-4777  or                         541-260-4604
NEED 195 xR15 tires,                                                                   503-573-7448
1933 bra cover front end of vehicle, maple dresser, canopy         541-271-2311
NEED stand up paddle board                                                        541-271-2311
Upright freezers, refrigerator, outdoor fire place                          541-266-9885
NEED interior doors, window frames                                          541-297-9820

Thursday, October 26, 2017



Chest freezer, love seat                                                                  541-808-1146
VW parts, 3 wheeler, Baja, sand rail,                                            541-294-4363
NEED hunting, camping, archery equipment                                541-590-5280
Burn barrels, 1996 5th wheel,                                                         541-991-7443
NEED sand rail frame,                                                                   541-991-7443
1990 Chevy 4x4 short box, 79 El Camino parts car                      541-267-7376
Wooden table & chairs, dresser, roaster oven, kid’s bike,            541-294-9212
Sail boards, row boats,                                                                  541-590-5280
Cleaning products, antique phone, spare tire carrier, oil’s, tools  541-913-1624
NEED tranny for 03 PT cruiser 
2003 Star Craft 5th wheel, 8N tractor,                                            541-297-9370
1976 Harley Davidson,                                                                   541-297-9370
Canopy, furniture,                                                                          541-271-2311
1990 Jag, 2004 Harley Heritage,                                                    541-913-1624
Coquille Carousel fund raiser @ the Egyptian theater 10/27/17
Coquille Carousel information 541-808-4777  or                         541-260-4604
NEED 195 xR15 tires,                                                                   503-573-7448
1933 bra cover front end of vehicle, maple dresser, canopy         541-271-2311
NEED stand up paddle board                                                        541-271-2311
Upright freezers, refrigerator, outdoor fire place                          541-266-9885
NEED interior doors, window frames                                          541-297-9820
NEED candy for Candy drive in Reedsport McKay’s

Wednesday, October 25, 2017



NEED 195 xR15 tires,                                                                   503-573-7448
1990 Chevy 4x4 short box, 79 El Camino parts car                      541-267-7376
1933 bra cover front end of vehicle, maple dresser, canopy         541-271-2311
NEED stand up paddle board                                                        541-271-2311
Upright freezers, refrigerator, outdoor fire place                          541-266-9885
Wooden table & chairs, dresser, roaster oven, kid’s bike,            541-294-9212
Coquille Carousel fund raiser @ the Egyptian theater 10/27/17
Coquille Carousel information 541-808-4777  or                         541-260-4604
VW parts, 3 wheeler, Baja, sand rail,                                            541-294-4363
Bicycles, Samsung Galaxy cell phone,                                         541-404-6637
Table saw, love seat, recliner, refrigerator,                                   541-662-1457
1994 Honda Accord,                                                                      541-305-1628
2003 Star Craft 5th wheel, 8N tractor, Toyota parts cars, van       541-297-9370
1976 Harley Davidson,                                                                  541-297-9370
1999 Town car, 1997 Ford escort,                                                 208-968-6536
Flatbed trailer w/ tire changing machine                                       541-662-0357
Van bench seat, love seat                                                               541-808-1146
Puppies                                                                                          541-294-3802
Mobil home in Reedsport for sale, 2001 Taurus,                          541-361-6138
Pressure washer,                                                                            541-551-0832
NEED archery equipment                                                             541-590-5280
Sail boards, row boats,                                                                  541-590-5280
2002 Yamaha YZ 426 dirt bike,                                                    541-637-8267
Dryer, small girls peddle bike,                                                      775-962-2928
Chain saw,                                                                                     541-735-4293
2009 Yamaha 950 V Star,                                                              541-361-5077
1981 Harley Davidson                                                                   541-297-9370
Heat wrap machine with rolls, 50R/15lt tire                                  541-662-0241
Explorer, 250 R motor, polished wheel                                         541-260-5050
55 gallon barrels, 1998 Sportage vehicle,                                     541-991-7443
NEED 21’ front Harley tire                                                           541-991-7443
NEED straight axle, tranny, motor for a Ford                               541-260-5050
Dinning room table & chairs,                                                        541-271-4257
Eagles prime rib dinner Friday night in Reedsport                       541-999-7628
Vintage bomber jacket,                                                                 541-297-2026
Power juicer, 1940’s Marshfield sweater,                                    541-267-7706
Small utility trailer to change tires,                                               541-662-0357
NEED interior doors, window frames                                          541-297-9820
NEED candy for Candy drive in Reedsport McKay’s
2000 Honda CR 2002 Yamaha YZ,                                             541-637-8267
VW parts, Baja bug, sand rail frames                                          541-294-4363
Carpenter looking for work                                                         541-297-4996
GM manuals, trailer tire, chain link fence,                                  541-551-5373

Tuesday, October 24, 2017



Flatbed trailer w/ tire changing machine                                       541-662-0357
VW parts, 3 wheeler, Baja, sand rail,                                            541-294-4363
Van bench seat, love seat                                                               541-808-1146
NEED stand up paddle board                                                        541-271-2311
1933 bra cover front end of vehicle, maple dresser, canopy         541-271-2311
1976 Harley Davidson,                                                                  541-297-9370
2003 Star Craft 5th wheel, 8N tractor, Toyota parts cars, van       541-297-9370
Puppies                                                                                          541-294-3802
Mobil home in Reedsport for sale, 2001 Taurus,                          541-361-6138
Baja bug, sand rail, VW parts,                                                      541-294-4363
Pressure washer,                                                                            541-551-0832
NEED archery equipment                                                             541-590-5280
Upright freezers, refrigerator, outdoor fire place                          541-266-9885
Coquille Carousel fund raiser @ the Egyptian theater 10/27/17
Coquille Carousel information 541-808-4777  or                         541-260-4604
Sail boards, row boats,                                                                  541-590-5280
Wooden table & chairs, dresser, roaster oven, kid’s bike,            541-294-9212
2002 Yamaha YZ 426 dirt bike,                                                    541-637-8267
Dryer, small girls peddle bike,                                                      775-962-2928
Chain saw,                                                                                     541-735-4293
1990 Chevy 4x4 short box, 79 El Camino parts car                      541-267-7376
2009 Yamaha 950 V Star,                                                              541-361-5077
1981 Harley Davidson                                                                   541-297-9370
Heat wrap machine with rolls, 50R/15lt tire                                  541-662-0241
Explorer, 250 R motor, polished wheel                                         541-260-5050
55 gallon barrels, 1998 Sportage vehicle,                                     541-991-7443
NEED 21’ front Harley tire                                                           541-991-7443
NEED straight axle, tranny, motor for a Ford                               541-260-5050
Dinning room table & chairs,                                                        541-271-4257
Eagles prime rib dinner Friday night in Reedsport                       541-999-7628
Vintage bomber jacket,                                                                 541-297-2026
Power juicer, 1940’s Marshfield sweater,                                    541-267-7706
Small utility trailer to change tires,                                               541-662-0357
NEED interior doors, window frames                                          541-297-9820
NEED candy for Candy drive in Reedsport McKay’s
1994 Honda Accord,                                                                     541-305-1628
2000 Honda CR 2002 Yamaha YZ,                                             541-637-8267
VW parts, Baja bug, sand rail frames                                          541-294-4363
Carpenter looking for work                                                         541-297-4996
GM manuals, trailer tire, chain link fence,                                  541-551-5373

Monday, October 23, 2017



Puppies                                                                                          541-294-3802
Dryer, small girls peddle bike,                                                      775-962-2928
NEED arrows,                                                                               541-590-5280
Chain saw,                                                                                     541-735-4293
Cab high canopy, furniture, dresser,                                              541-735-4293
1990 Chevy 4x4 short box, 79 El Camino parts car                      541-267-7376
NEED stand up paddle board                                                         541-271-2311
Wooden table & chairs, dresser, roaster oven, kids bike,              541-294-9212
2009 Yamaha 950 V Star,                                                              541-361-5077
Van bench seat                                                                               541-808-1146
Fiberglass model T body, tire changing machine                          701-629-5722
2003 Star Craft 5th wheel, 8N tractor, Toyota parts cars, van       541-297-9370
1981 Harley Davidson                                                                   541-297-9370
Heat wrap machine with rolls, 50R/15lt tire                                  541-662-0241
Explorer, 250 R motor, polished wheel                                         541-260-5050
55 gallon barrels, 1998 Sportage vehicle,                                     541-991-7443
NEED 21’ front Harley tire                                                           541-991-7443
NEED straight axle, tranny, motor for a Ford                               541-260-5050
1933 bra cover front end of vehicle, maple dresser, canopy         541-271-2311
Dinning room table & chairs,                                                       541-271-4257
Eagles prime rib dinner Friday night in Reedsport                       541-999-7628
Vintage bomber jacket,                                                                 541-297-2026
Power juicer, 1940’s Marshfield sweater,                                    541-267-7706
Small utility trailer to change tires,                                               541-662-0357
NEED interior doors, window frames                                          541-297-9820
NEED candy for Candy drive in Reedsport McKay’s
1994 Honda Accord,                                                                   541-305-1628
2000 Honda CR 2002 Yamaha YZ,                                            541-637-8267
VW parts, Baja bug, sand rail frames                                         541-294-4363
Carpenter looking for work                                                       541-297-4996
GM manuals, trailer tire, chain link fence,                                 541-551-5373